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//you can tell I'm having fun with making these drawings- :))

U g h POV:

Kenny McCormick had started his Halloween Sunday like he did normally.
Nothing was really special about today, well to him at least.

He put on a long sleeved white shirt, some sweatpants, and a puffy orange jacket he'd bought to replace his old one. As Kenny grew over the years, he realized he could no longer comfortably fit into his parka, so he let Karen wear it, but only with the hood down as to keep the "bad luck" away (member that one scene in Cripple Fight? yeah me too-).

Since Halloween fell on a Sunday, the neighborhood kids had trick or treated the night before, so Kevin had to sweep half-eaten candies and wrappers off the sidewalk in front of their store. He didn't like it, but it was part of his job after all.
Meanwhile, Kenny and Karen were inside the store, arranging a bouquet of roses, orchids, and chocolate glued to sticks. As they put on the finishing touches, the blonde boy glanced out the window.

He noticed how Kevin kept checking his watch anxiously, tapping his foot, running his hands through his middle parted, unkempt hair.

Odd behavior, he thought.

A few seconds later Kevin walked through the door and laid his broom against the wall. "Got it all," He told them, his southern tone a bit thick, "Our sidewalk's clean as a baby." He smirked. Kevin then began his walk to the small back area they called a break room. "I'll be right back, just gotta... shit."

Kenny noticed how he didn't go to the bathroom. "Is he shitting in the break room?" He said aloud to no one in particular, and Karen replied, "He probably would." She laughed, but Kenny's face stayed stone cold.

Kevin had been acting very suspicious lately (AJDHDIDJJ SUS). He went to the break room more than the other two. Kenny could often smell an odd scent in that room as well. It was a familiar smell that stung his nose, the stench of alcohol.
He'd grown up around it, he could smell it anywhere. Up until now, he'd just written it off as a smell that they'd carried with them into the shop. Their house smelled like that, so it would makes sense that the shop would as well.
Besides, Kevin was supposed to be off of alcohol, drugs, and other things of that area. There's no way he would go back to it, he'd been doing so good!

Now, Kenny wasn't sure.

He sighed. "I'm gonna go see what he's up to. I'll be back in just a second!" He smiled his gap-toothed smile at his younger sister and walked his way to the break room.

His hand grabbed the doorknob tightly as he hesitated for just a second. It was cold. He gently turned the knob and opened the door.

There he was. Booze in his right hand, straight from their father's stash no doubt. His hair was messier. He swayed a little. He was seated in one of their wooden chairs, his legs flopped limply outwards like a puppet. His left arm rested on a table on the far right wall that he was seated right next to. His right arm dangled down just as limp as his legs, yet he still managed to clutch his bottle tight. A dopey smiled sat on his lips like a hammock.

Kenny felt many different emotions going to civil war inside his body. He felt betrayed, angry, sad, but disappointed over all. He felt like he could've stopped this somehow. He felt like Kevin could've overcome this. He wondered how long this had been going on. He also wondered how Kevin could've gotten that drunk so fast.

"Kevin?" Kenny asked in a stern tone. Kevin turned toward him and tried to hide the bottle behind his back.
"Oh, uh, heeeyy! How uhh- How long have you been there for?" He laughed and tried to play it off.
Kenny glared. "Long enough to know that you're back to drinking again." He crossed his arms.
"What? Me? Drinking? Pssshh, nahhh, never!" Kevin flicked his hand and leaned back in his chair. He leaned back too far however, and he ended up falling to the ground, dropping his liquor as well.
It spilled and rolled away from him, towards Kenny. The alcohol soaked into Kevin's clothes and splashed against the wood floor, painting the floor a slightly darker shade. Meanwhile, Kevin just laid on his back, staring up at the ceiling.

Kenny shook his head with disappointment. "Kevin, you said you'd given it up."
"Aw, cmon Ken, I only have a drink like once a day now!" Kevin slowly got up, stumbling a little bit. He cringed as he felt wet cloth cling to his skin. Kenny bent down and grabbed the bottle off the floor.
"Seriously, if I find you like this again-"
"Oh would you just get off my fuckin back for two seconds!" Kevin shouted before the ground began to shake violently.

Kenny dropped the bottle, and this time it shattered on the ground, glass shards shifting with the Earth's rumbling. Kevin grabbed the table and held on for dear life.

More sounds, things breaking.

Cracking. Dust fell from their dirty ceiling. The lights flickered.

Loud crumbling noises.

Then a scream. It called out for Kenny and Kevin.

And like that, everything was quiet for just a moment. Until the entire store began to come down.

Kenny grabbed Kevin's arm and ran outside, dragging him with him. The front wall of their store had already been demolished somehow. And... burned? They didn't get a good look as they ran. The two made it out just in time. Just as they ran out, the walls collapsed, the ceiling caved in, and the store was nothing more than rubble and crushed greenery.

The blonde one stared at the remains of his store for a few seconds. All his hard work had gone into that place. It was like his second home. And now it was dust in the wind.

He felt rage boiling within him. Whatever had destroyed the front wall of his store managed to bring the whole thing down.

He looked around for the culprit. And it was at this moment when he finally got a good look at the situation around him. People (including his siblings) hiding in alleyways, the town charred and destroyed like his front wall's remains, and the rotten cherry on top, the sky was blood red. The familiar smell of deceased, decaying corpses twisted at his nose. A smell that dragged him back to his childhood, back on that horrifying Halloween night. He knew instantly what had happened here.

They were back. The demons. But who was leading them? No way Damien would attack again, not with his husband being an element and all.

Behind him, he heard a deep echoing voice yelling.

He turned to see a flash. It was bright, but Kenny was able to just barely make out the two figures it was aimed at. He didn't know who they were yet, but he had to help them.

Kenny shot a large vine-like tentacle out of the ground and tried to push them aside, but he only managed to push one. The other was hit, being flung back. Their body skidded against the concrete a bit as they came to a stop. Yet, for some reason, they seemed unhurt. As if the blast was just a hologram or something.

As his vision improved, he recognized the two now. It was Tweek and Craig, his old schoolmates.

And the one attacking them was an old friend of his. Someone he'd helped long, long ago.

In a hurry, he ran and grabbed Tweek, and ran through a maze of alleys to escape the powerful being attacking them.
"W-Wait, go back! We have to get Craig!" He tried to pull away from Kenny, but his grip was too tight. Kenny yelled back quietly, "We can't go back Tweek, and stay quiet!"

Eventually the two found themselves waiting quietly in an alley, and when the sounds of destruction seemed to fade away, they began a conversation.

"What the hell was that?!" Tweek shouted quietly. He grabbed Kenny's arm tightly.
"I don't know Tweek, but we have to get the others, we need a mirror, a-and a phone." Kenny told him.

"A mirror won't be necessary." A confident voice stated behind them. The two turned and faced who spoke. "Come with me..."


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