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3rd POV:

Kenny walked into his house and saw his usual household: His mom and dad arguing, his sister Karen crying, and his brother Kevin trying to fight his dad.
This is how it almost always was when he was at home, though it usually calmed down by bed time. He walked to his bedroom and took off his jacket and his shirt, exposing the plants growing out of him. Every day, Kenny would ask himself why he was the one who got his dad's powers. He was the second born, which should mean that Kevin should've gotten the powers... right?

He at looked at himself in a small hand mirror he stole from a garbage dump, his vines weren't growing as much. He always had the fear that he'd wake up one day and they'd be covering his body completely, even though his father assured him that wouldn't happen. Kenny knew his friends (mainly Cartman) would make fun of him if they knew he grew flowers out of random parts of his body, so he was always heavily dressed. Because of how heavy he was dressed, he sometimes had trouble talking and breathing through his mouth. It was a pain.

He noticed his dirty blonde hair still had flowers sticking out of it. They're were only a few, but in summer they bloom like crazy. He then heard someone run into a room, the room belonged to Karen and Kevin. Since the footsteps were fast and light, it was probably Karen. Kenny then had an idea, Maybe I could give a flower to her... I do need to visit...

Kenny walked over to his closet and pulled out his Mysterion outfit. He slipped it on, making sure the mask or hood wouldn't come off. Kenny then leaped out of his window and ran to Karen's window, where he broke the flimsy lock and climbed inside.

Karen was curled up in her bed crying. Kenny was shocked how often he saw her like this. He walked over to her bed and sat down next to her. She sat up and stared at him, smiling softly.
"Oh, it's just you! What're you doing here?" Karen asked.
Kenny smiled slightly at her. "I came here to give you something, close your eyes."
She closed her eyes but kept smiling brightly. Kenny took off his glove and made a flower grow out of his palm, it was pastel pink and had a short stem. He broke it off gently and laid it in front of Karen. Kenny then slipped his glove back on.

"Ok, open them." Kenny told her.
Karen opened her eyes and gasped. She picked it up and examined it. "Woah, pretty... thank you guardian angel!"
She hugged Kenny suddenly, catching him off guard. He hesitantly hugged her back.
When they separated, Kenny ruffled her hair. "Sorry, but I gotta go. I'll be back tomorrow night."
"Promise you'll come back?" She gave him puppy dog eyes.
He smiled. "I promise. Goodnight Karen." "Goodnight!" She smiled at him as he leapt out her window and onto the ground. Kenny didn't know what to do, he didn't wanna go to bed, so he figured he could just go on patrol for a while.

Mysterion dashed through the fence that failed to protect him and his family from the outside world. He ran through the streets of his redneck hometown, glancing at some of the buildings. He eventually made it to where he always started his patrol, the police station. He used the ladder on the side of the building to climb up to the rooftop and he looked down at his chaotic city. The chaotic city he tried his hardest to protect.

He saw two men, both dressed fully in black, running through the streets. He climbed down and began to run after them, but he kept his distance so they didn't see him.

Mysterion struggled to chase after them, but eventually they stopped and slowed down. He knew this was his time to strike.
He hid in the space between two houses and watched them. They were chatting, or they were arguing, it was hard to tell. Mysterion clenched his fist and slowly raised it, making a large tentacle-like plant break through the road. The crimesters stared at it fearfully.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" One of them screamed
The plant wrapped around both of them and squeezed tightly. Mysterion slowly emerged from the darkness and looked at both of them. He couldn't see them well since it was nighttime but he could still tell that one was blonde and the other was wearing a beanie that covered his hair.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" He asked. The blonde one spoke up first, "We- We were just going on a walk, man! Cmon let us go!"
He gripped tightly, causing the plant to squeeze harder.
Mysterion couldn't trust them, so he squeezed harder in the lower area and only stopped when he heard loud snapping. They both yelled out in pain.
He dropped them and the plant went back into the ground. "That was a warning. Next time, it's gonna be the top half that breaks."

Mysterion looked around, he wasn't far away from his own house. His eyes slowly looked up.

His eyes were met with the emerald eyes of Kyle Broflovski.

He had seen everything.

Kenny panicked. He slowly backed away, but it soon became a full sprint away. He had just accidentally revealed his biggest secret to one of his best friends.
He hid in an alley and took a breather. Vomit shot out of his throat and onto the concrete.

Kyle's gonna tell everyone.

I'm gonna get arrested.

My parents are gonna kill me.


Why didn't you check if anyone was up?!


Wait... if I die.... he won't remember! I just gotta die!


Kenny flinched and turned around. Behind him stood the owner of the emerald eyes that saw his horrible secret.

"Kenny, what was that back there?" The redhead asked.
The blonde took a deep breath and tried to explain, "Well... I was kinda born with weird powers and some other kids have similar powers and we're like super humans or something."

"Kenny.... are you an element?"

Kenny stared at him with wide eyes. Suddenly the alley had lit up, Kyle had allowed himself to go to his 'Alternate Form' and the alley had gotten extremely bright.
There was silence, hanging like an old unwanted coat on a rack. Kenny then went to his Ultimate Form and removed his super hero outfit. He allowed Kyle to see the plants growing from him, but didn't get to close since fire burned plants.

A few minutes later they were walking home, fully dressed and conversing Kyle's recent discovery.

Kenny's family hadn't informed him of the story of elementals.

He was a little scared, but he was immortal so it was all cool.
3 days till what was either gonna be the biggest fight ever or the biggest disappointment ever....

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