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3rd POV:

Kyle sighed. Why do we even hang out with him?
He asked this to himself because Cartman was doing his usual 'Jews suck' thing. This time, he was blaming Kyle for his cat going missing. Kyle wanted to flare up, knock Cartman off his feet, burn his nuts off.... but he couldn't. It's illegal. All he had to do was keep his cool. If he didn't, he would light up and catch fire. He could not let his friends find out about his weird fire abilities.
"WHY'D YOU TAKE MY CAT, KAHL?! WERE YOU PLANNING ON USING HIM IN YOUR WEIRD JEW RITUALS?!" Eric screamed as he grabbed Kyle by the jacket collar.
"What are you talking about?"
"You're so stupid Cartman."
"And you're an idiotic fatass."
"CAN YOU TWO SHUT UP?!" Stan stared at the two, his face flushed with anger.
Cartman let go of Kyle's collar and got back in in his place in their usual bus lineup. He kicked at the snow, mumbling to himself about Jews. Kyle kept himself from thinking about what Cartman might be saying, he had to stay calm. He squeezed the stress ball in his sewn on pocket, breathing deeply.

The bus rolled up and he got in his usual seat, Stan sitting beside him. The bus was so loud but Kyle could never figure out why, it was like 7 AM why are they being so loud?! Ever since Ms. Crabtree died, the bus had gotten louder and louder every day. To him it seemed like bullshit....
Next thing they knew, the bus had stopped in front of the school and all the kids slowly got out, not ready for school just yet. Kyle wasn't ready either, he felt like he would snap at any moment. Today just wasn't his day, it was never his day.

He walked down the hall, hearing kids talk around him. They weren't that interesting of conversations. Kyle put all of his stuff in his locker and closed it, locking it so Cartman wouldn't mess with anything.
When he walked into class, he saw the usual sights. Kids talking in the area in front of the class, his friends chatting to each other loudly, and the girls staring at them like they're dumb. Well, they were dumb if he was being honest.
Kyle sat down in his seat like usual. He kept squeezing the stress ball in his pocket, it helped keep him calm.
"Hey Kahl, are Cheesy Poofs better than Snickers?" Cartman asked him. Kyle looked at him, a bit confused.
"Uh, no?" Kyle said back. It was the obvious answer.
"WHAT?! Dude, Cheesy Poofs are the best, but you're a Jew so you wouldn't know."
"What does that-" Before Kyle could even get his whole sentence out, the teacher came in. She started teaching about fractions, though most of the class wasn't paying attention. Especially the class elements, who were trying to keep themselves stable. It was hard believe it or not.

It wasn't that late into the lesson when he found himself heating up a bit while hearing Cartman argue with the teacher. Cartman was such a biggoted dumbass. Kyle continued squeezing the stress ball but soon he felt something painful. He pulled his hand out of his pocket and realized the stress ball had popped, spilling water into his pocket, glove, and jacket. Kyle took off his glove and stuck it back in his wet pocket while keeping his aching hand on his desk. He had to keep it palm up so it wouldn't burn the desk. Ouch.
This is how it went for the rest of class, Kyle keeping his left palm up so it wouldn't burn anything. It was difficult. All he wanted to do was have a normal day. He thought, Why did I fill it up with water, I'm a fire element!

Worst of all, he couldn't do anything about it. The nurse wouldn't know anything about elements, he couldn't go home, and his friends knew nothing about medicals and health. He felt alone and in pain.
Finally he was given mercy when lunch came around. Kyle quickly left the classroom and soon his hand's heat sizzled out. It went back to normal temperature and Kyle put his glove back on. It was cold and still slightly wet. Ew. He then walked to the lunchroom with his friends arguing at his sides.
This is gonna be a long day...

Kyle waited in the lunch line with his friends like always. It was sloppy joe day, Eric's favorite. Cartman was getting hyped up over lunch (like the fat fuck he is), Stan and Kenny were just standing there chatting and not paying attention to Eric, and Kyle was lost in thought. He was thinking about how much he wanted to go home and work on his powers. Ever since his mom gave him that book, he wanted to spend as much time as possible learning new tricks and spells. It might help him when his mom gets all... ragey. When she gave birth to Kyle, he got her powers. Now she has less of what she used to have but she can still withstand fire and spark up every now and then. It scares Ike.

After they got their lunch, the boys sat down at their table. Everyone was there: Kyle, Kenny, Stan, Cartman, Clyde, Token, Craig, and Tweek. They usually eat with Jimmy but he wanted to eat with Timmy, so they brought in Tweek as a replacement. Tweek just stayed quiet, when he talked it was about worrying shit and things he saw on TV. Kyle didn't eat his lunch, he wasn't hungry, instead he thought of who the other elements could be. He looked around at his friends, they didn't seem like the type to have any sort of power. So who else could it be? He hoped it wasn't kids from the grades above them, all those kids are assholes. Except for Kenny's brother Kevin, who Kyle thought was actually pretty cool. Kyle's mom knew who the other elements' parents were, but she would never tell Kyle unless of an emergency. Such bullshit....

The rest of the school day flew by pretty fast, but it seemed to get slower whenever Kyle felt himself heat up. Why was he so emotional, why did he take everything so hard? It must've just been because of the way he was born.
Him and his friends walked home together, they had always done this. This is how they'd find an adventure waiting to happen, but he couldn't adventure today. Today he had to take his brother home since his parents were busy. Kyle knew that if Ike got hurt in the slightest, his mom would be pissed. When his friends saw a poster for free cats and Cartman had the idea of training them to attack illegal immigrants, Kyle knew it was time for him and Ike to leave. They waved goodbye and went off on their journey home.

While walking, Kyle bumped into one of his classmates. Damien.
"Watch where you're going, imbecile!" He shouted and speed walked away. Kyle noticed a worn out piece of paper on the ground. He figured Damien had dropped it. Kyle picked it up and was about to go return it when he saw something odd. On the paper, there were drawings. The drawings were extremely old and paired with what looked like writing in a language Kyle didn't know. The drawings were of four people, each marked with an element symbol, and some sort of monster next to them.

I should tell mom about this...

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