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Now everyone looks at you, you stand up and think of what you should say. "Hi, I'm Lyra...I'm half elf and half dwarf, I left Rivendell some days ago to explore the world but I have been captured by the goblins. The king used me as a slave and he tortured me. When I saw you I thought that it could be my chance so I set you free" I say as I look to Thorin "and then I just started running with you..." I finish, not knowing what else to say. The dwarves keep looking at me, until Thorin says "Well, thank you for your help, I believe that now our path divides."

"Well, you know, we could use a 16 member for our journey...she has proved herself worthy..." starts saying the wizard, but Thorin stops him "No. We are enough. We don't need someone else to look after, especially a girl, half elf no less." As he finishes, we hear some wolves howling.

"Out of the frying pan." "And into the fire. Run. Run!"

We all start running and I see the blonde dwarf grabbing my hand again. -this is becoming an habit- I think to myself as we reach the end of the mountain. "Up into the trees. All of you! Come on, climb!" the wizard yells. As you start climbing the tree, you hear more wargs howling as they get closer, only to circle underneath the trees. Then you see a big pale orc, riding the biggest of the wargs. -that must be Azog- you think.

"Do you smell it? The scent of fear? I remember your father reeked of it, Thorin son of Thrain." You look at Thorin, who whisper with a shocked face "It cannot be". Then the orc points at him and yells "That one is mine. Kill the others!". All the wargs attack and start jumping up to catch us. Still hand in hand with the blonde dwarf, you jump from tree to tree as they fall one on another. Eventually you all reach the last tree near the cliff. The wizard starts lighting some cones on fire, throwing them at the wargs and passing some at the others. "Fili!" he says as he tosses one at the blonde dwarf. You quickly take one and you bring it closer with the one on fire. You then toss it at the wargs under your tree. -so, his name is Fili, that's nice- you think to yourself.

You return your attention to Thorin, who now is walking straight at Azog, with rage on his face. Thorin is defeated and as one orc goes to take his head, you see the little hobbit that defends him. All the other dwarves rush in his aid and start to fight orcs. You try to do the same, with the little dagger that you kept from goblin town. You rush to Fili and you help him killing the warg. "Hey Lyra, is that my dagger?" you look at him and then you look at the dagger "it could be, I found it in goblin town, when I helped you...here, take it back" you say as you land him the dagger. "Naah, you can keep it...it suits you" he says with a smirk and winking at you. You smile as your cheeks feel warm. -am I blushing? why am I blushing??- you think as you look away.

Suddenly you see giant eagles coming your way and tossing the wargs down the cliff. You see one coming right at you and Fili and you look at him with a worried face. He grabs your hand as the eagles takes the both of you, only to throw you at the end of the cliff. You want to scream but no sound comes out of your mouth. You land on top of another eagle, still hand in hand with Fili, and Then you pass out.

You wake up still on top of the bird and you curse as you close your eyes immediately. "Had a nice sleep?" you hear someone asking behind you, as you recognise Fili's voice. "Please let me get off this thing" you say in a high pitched tone. "Hey don't worry, i'm holding you, i won't let you fall. You can open your eyes, it's quite a view, you know" you open one eye and notice that Fili's arms are wrapped around your waist and his hands are holding to the eagle feathers. -well, a very nice view indeed- you think as you look at his muscled arms -but it can be better- you look behind and you find his face a few inches from yours. He smiles at you and as you return the smile you feel your cheeks warm...again. -gosh i can't keep doing this- you think as you try to wipe him away from your thoughts.

Eventually the eagles start landing on the top of a hill, and Fili helps you getting off the bird. He then looks worried at Thorin and rushes to his side. "Thorin! Thorin." the wizard says as he approaches the dwarf. He then uses his magic to revive him.

"The Halfling?" asks Thorin.

"It's alright. Bilbo is here, he's quite safe."

Thorin gets up and looks at Bilbo in anger "You! What were you doing? You nearly got yourself killed! Did I not say that you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the wild, and you had no place amongst us." he moves closer to Bilbo "I have never been so wrong, in all my life." Suddenly he embraces Bilbo and all the other cheer. "But, I'm sorry I doubted you." Then the hobbit says "No, I...I would have doubted me too. I'm not a hero, nor a warrior. Not even a burglar." Everyone chuckles and you see Thorin looking at you "Well, i think that after all we could use a spare fighter...if you still want an adventure" you smile at him and nod happily. You then notice that Fili is looking at you with a smile on his lips. -oh..his beutiful smile...and lips... no. Noo!- you quickly look away from the blonde dwarf and you notice that Thorin and Bilbo are looking at the horizon.

"Is that what I think it is?" asks the hobbit. We all walk up to the edge of the cliff to take a closer look. "Erebor! The Lonely Mountain. The last of the Great Dwarf Kingdoms of Middle-earth." says the wizard. "Our home." says Thorin with pride on his face.

"A raven! The birds are returning to the mountain." says a dwarf. The wizard laughs and explains "That, my dear Oin, is a thrush." "Well we'll take it as a sign, a good omen." says Thorin smiling. "You're right. I do believe the worst is behind us." says Bilbo with a sigh of relief.

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