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"My dear Lyra...what a surprise" the king says scanning you. He's sitting on his throne, with his I'm-better-than-you smile on his stupid elfic face "you look fabulous"

"I'd love to say the same, but that would be lying, my king" the expression in his face is priceless. You swear you heard Thorin chuckled when you said that. The king immediately gets up, looking at you with angry eyes, and he starts to walk towards you, until his face is right in front of yours.

"You know, I thought I'd offer you shelter, and a safe travel back to Rivendell...but I don't think your attitude will allow me to do that."

"I would never accept anyway. I know that you hate me as much as you hate everybody else, except for yourself. I would never accept hospitality from a king without honour, without love!" you yell at him.

"Listen here, you little half-breed..." he starts, yelling at your face. You tilt your head back a little, just to smash it on his while he insults you. He falls back and you smirk, feeling blood coming down from your nose. The guards block you immediately.

"Take them back to their cells" he roars as he cups his nose with his hands.

The moment you walk out the throne room Tauriel snaps at you "What were you thinking? Are you out of your mind? Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

"I don't respect who does not respect me" you say without regret

The moment you enter the dungeons the dwarves start bombing Thorin with question about his meeting with the king. "Did he offer you a deal?"

"He did. I told him he could go ishkh khakfe andu null. Him and all his kin!"

"Well, that's that then. The deal was our only hope."

Tauriel stops with you in front of Fili's cell. You both look at her with a wondering expression. She opens the cell and the first thing you do is hug the blonde dwarf.

"Lyra what happened to your nose?" he yells so loud that he draws the attention of all the others

"Did the king hurt you?"

"I'm going to kill him with his hands!"

"That elf princess!!"

All the dwarves start shouting insults to Thranduil and when the calm down a little Thorin speaks before you.

"She smashed her head against the king's head right after refusing his false promises! I think she broke her nose... you should have seen his face!" he says as he starts laughing, followed by all the others.

Fili looks at you in awe "HA! That's my girl" he yells laughing and patting your shoulder. You smile and blush a little when he says my girl. -oh, how I wish that to be real...- you think. You snap out of your thoughts as you see Fili's landing you a piece of cloth.

"You're bleeding, if... when we'll get out of here we should ask Oin to check that"

You take the piece of cloth and you try to stop the blood.

Many hours has passed and now it's dinner time. You know this because the elves brought you plates with some food. Tauriel came to visit you and she cured your nose, now you're feeling way better. You eat your food in silence, and you can't help but eavesdrop when you see Tauriel sitting near Kili's cell.

"Sounds like quite a party you're having up there" he says, eating his food

"It is Mereth Nuin Giliath; The Feast of Starlight. All light is sacred to the Eldar, but the Wood Elves love best the light of the stars" replies Tauriel. You know what she is talking about, you attended that feast yourself some years ago, it was truly wonderful.

"I always thought it is a cold light, remote and far away"

"It is memory, precious and pure...like your promise" she returns a little rock to Kili "I have walked there sometimes, beyond the forest and up into the night. I have seen the world fall away and the white light forever fill the air"

"I saw a fire moon once. It rose over the pass near Dunland. Huge! Red and gold it was, it filled the sky. We were an escort for some merchants from Ered Luin, they were trading in silverwork for furs. We took the Greenway south, keeping the mountain to our left, and then it appeared. This huge fire moon lighting our path. I wish I could show you..."

You smile and leave Kili and Tauriel to their conversation.

"You should rest" says Fili looking at you and landing you his fur coat.

"So should you" you reply, taking the coat and sitting on the cold stone floor. When he's not looking you sniff gently his coat and the memories of the night at Beorn's house invade your mind. "You know...we could share" you say smiling at him. He lays near you and he pats the floor, indicating you to do the same. You lay near him and you try to cover the both of you as best as you can.

"We would fit better if..." you feel the awkwardness in his voice and when he doesn't finish his sentence you turn on your side, facing him. You see him blushing and then he just wraps his arms around you and he pulls you near him. You blush vividly and you seek a comfort position for you to sleep in. You finally win the embarrassment and you lay your head on his chest. You can hear his heart racing and you can smell his scent.

"Lyra I...I would like to talk to you about something" he says shakingly as he strokes your hair with one hand. You hold your breath as you think what he could tell you -did I do something? Maybe I've offended him? Oh no, maybe he knows I have a crush on him and he loves someone else...but I don't have a crush on him right? Do I??-

"Lyra are you ok?" he says when he doesn't receive an answer

"Um, yeah, sure...go on" you say, closing your eyes and preparing yourself to hear about his love for someone else

"Well...I've been thinking....about my feelings...umm..."

-here we are. Now he will tell me that he has a girlfriend-


"I'm so happy for you...wait...what??"

"I...have a crush on you. I've been thinking about this for some time now...I fell in love with you the second I saw you fighting those goblins in goblin-town... and then you threw yourself in the middle of the fight with Azog to defend Bilbo and Thorin... you're so brave and beautiful. I love when you smile, when you sleep, when you fight... I love you Lyra"

You don't know what you say. Tears start falling on your cheeks as you listen to the words that the blonde dwarf is saying. He loves you. And of course, you love him.

"Oh Fili...I love you too" you almost whisper as you look up to meet his eyes.

"You do?" he asks, turning on one side and leaning on his arm to look better at you. You nod, wiping away a tear of joy. He smiles and then he slowly low his head, until his lips crash with yours. You cup his face with your hands, and you gently kiss him with passion. Eventually, you fall asleep with your head on his chest and a smile on your lips, feeling the gentle touch of his hand stroking your hair.

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