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"Air...I need air"

"My head, it's spinning! What's happening?"

"Keep moving"

You could barely hear the dwarves talking, you were so dizzy and everithing around you was spinning. Suddenly Nori, whos leading the group, stops, making you stomp on his back.

"Nori, why have you stopped?" you ask

"The path, it's disappeared!" he says looking all around

"What's going on?" asks someone at the end of the row

"We've lost the path!" you say so that everyone can hear

"Find it. All of you, look" says Thorin.

You all start to look around frenetically, not knowing where you are.

"I don't remember this place, none of it's familiar" says someone

"What are you saying, everything looks the same!" you say exhausted

"What hour is it?" asks Fili walking by your side

"I don't know, I don't even know what day it is" you reply.

"Is there no end to this accursed forest!" Thorin bursts kicking a rock

Bilbo notices a massive spider web next to him, he touches it which causes a vibration to run through it, he does it again and he feels the vibration again. You look at him and you don't think it's a good idea, but you don't know why. Everything seems to move in slow motion. You look back at the others and you see Ori picking up a pouch from the found. Dori takes it from him as he says "look, a tobacco pouch. There's Dwarves in these woods!"

Bifur takes the pouch from Dori "dwarves from the Blue Mountains, no less. This is exactly the same as mine!"

"Because it is yours, do you understand? We're going around in circles, we are lost!" yells the hobbit

"We are not lost. We keep heading east." states Thorin.

"But which way is the east? We've lost the sun!" yells Dwalin

As the dwarves argue amongst themselves about being lost, you look up and Bilbo does the same

"The sun. We have to find.. the sun" you say, your voice sounds muffled

"Up there" the hobbit points his finger to the sky "We need to..."

The dwarves are now pushing each other as they fight amongst themselves

"Enough! Quiet! All of you! We are being watched" whispers Thorin looking all around in the tree

You watch Bilbo climbing the nearby tree, and after some minutes you hear his voice "I can...see a lake! And a...river. And the Lonely Mountain!"

Suddenly you look around and notice that some of the dwarves are not there "Where is Dori?" you look all around "and Bofur? Gloin? Fili?? Fili where are you!!" You turn around and before you can scream you feel something stingin your abdomen and you quickly pass out.

You open your eyes and you take a deep breath. The only problem is that you can't breath. You try again, without results. You start to panic as you hear some noises around you. You can't see anything, you don't remember anything. You try to move but you can't, you're trapped in something sticky. With you last breath you scream and then you feel yourself falling. You screm again and you hear someone saying "Don't worry, I got you" as he catches you.

He puts you in the ground and he starts to tear apart the spider-web. The first thing you see are two beautiful blue eyes and you can't help but smile at Fili. You get up and you throw your arms around him, wiping away your last tears. He hugs you back, gently stroking your hair with one hand, and with the other he caress your back. As you break the hug he cups your cheeks with his hands "I thought I lost you Lyra..." he says looking into your eyes "I promise I won't lose you again". Your face is a few inches away from his, and you can feel his breath inn your face as you blush.

"Dwalin! Kill it! Kill it!" Thorin's yelling brings you back to reality and you reluctantly pull away from Fili's touch. You take your dagger and fight with the others, as you see more and more spiders surrounding you.

Suddenly, as a spider approaches you, an arrow kills it. You look behind you and you see the wooden elves pointing their bows at everyone. You look at Fili and you follow his worried gaze to his brother, who is still fighting surrounded by spiders.

"Kili!" you shout, as he is being attacked by a pack of spiders a female elf, swings in and starts killing the spiders.

"Throw me a dagger! Quick!" he yells to the she-elf

"If you think I'm giving you a weapon, Dwarf, you are mistaken!" she says as she kills the spider she was fighting with. Then she quickly turns and throws her dagger at the spider that was about to kill Kili which kills it.

"Search them!" says the blonde elf, that you know is prince Legolas. Then another elf of the guard approaches you, and he starts to look for weapons.

"Hey, look where you put your hands or i will cut them" bursts Fili as he looks angrily to the guard. That's when the elf prince notices you.

"Lyra...what a nice surprise!" he says in elfic as he walks to you "what are you doing with this dwarf-scum? Did they kidnap you? Did they hurt you?"

"I'm perfectly safe, thank you" you reply annoyed looking at Legolas "they didn't kidnap me or hurt me, I am part of their company on my will"

Your conversation with the prince is interrupted by a guard who hands Thorin's blade to Legolas

"This is an ancient Elvish blade. Forged by my kin" he says making his way to Thorin "Where did you get this?"

"It was given to me"

Legolas points the edge of the sword at Thorin "Not just a thief, but a liar as well"

"He's not lying, that sword was given to him by Lord Elrond!" you defend Thorin. You know by the stories the others told you that Thorin found that blade in a troll cave, but you don't want let Legolas win. Legolas doesn't reply, he calls all the other elves and you all start to head to the palace. However, you don't notice that Bilbo is not with you, until Bofur points it out when he whispers to Thorin "where is Bilbo?". You look behind you, as does Thorin, but you don't see him anywhere.

After entering the palace, the guards imprison us in the cells. You're lucky because you are in a cell near Fili's.

"This is not the end of it! Do you hear me?!" "Let us out of here!" yells the dwarves angrily

"Hey Lyra, are you alright?" Fili asks you. You walk to the cell door and you try to look into Fili's cell, with no success. "Yeah, I'm fine. What about you?"

"They took all my weapons" he pouts in a childish voice, that makes you chuckles. You know he only did this to comfort you, but you feel sorry for him, because you know he won't see his swords and daggers ever again. Suddenly an idea rush through your mind and you stretch out your arm through the bars. Fili sees your hand and he quicky reaches out for it. You smile and blush, squeezing gently his hand as he rubs his thumb on your knuckles.

After what feels like an eternity the she-elf, that Legolas called Tauriel, walks in front of your cell. "My king Thranduil desires to speak with you" she states while glancing at you and Fili's hands. You take a step back, allowing her to open the cell. You know that trying to escape is useless, so the only thing that you do is holding the bars of Fili's cell as he quickly caress your cheek. "Don't worry, I'll be safe" you whisper as Tauriel pulls you away.

You follow her out of the dungeons and you can't help but notice the little smile on her lips as she looks at Kili when you pass his cell. You don't say anything and soon you find yourself in front of the king. You see that Thorin is also there, and you smile sadly when he looks at you.


Hello everyone! I hope you're liking my story so far! If you want, let me know in the comment what do you think of it. I would really appreciate if you leave a like and if your share my fanfiction with some other hobbit fan!

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