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After smuggling the company inside the barrels of fish into the town Bard starts tipping the barrels over so that you can all get out. Some people glance at you and Bard then offers a coin to a man "You didn't see them, they were never here. The fish you can have for nothing" then he turns to you "Follow me"

He's leading you through the town center when suddenly a young boy stops in front of Bard "Da, our house! It's being watched" you look around and notice spies making their round to pass news of Bard arriving home.

"Alright. I need you to listen carefully" says Bard looking at the company. "Enter that alley and follow the road until you arrive in front of the pigs fence. There you'll have to swim in the lake until you're under the prison bridge. Turn left into the little canal and then under the stilt, Bain will wait there for you." You do as he says, while he walk towards his home with Bain.

When you reach the pigs fence you all stop and face the lake. "We're going in small groups. Be careful. I'll go first, Balin and Dwalin with me" says Thorin. As he enter the lake he snorts "It's so cold". Dwalin and Balin follow him. You wait a minute, before looking to Fili and Kili.

"I think it's our turn" you say, as you approach the lake surface. You take a deep breath and you enter the lake as fast as you can, trying not to think how cold the water is. The brothers follow you, Kili complaining about the water temperature as he gets into the lake. You start to swim following Bard's directions, being careful not to be seen. You approach Bard's house, seeing that Bain is waiting for you. He points his finger to the little hole in the floor of his house.

"Don't tell me that it is what I think it is" whispers Kili, a look of horror in his face. Then he turns to look at you "Women's first?" he tries to say, with a smile of hope.

"Shut up and go" you reply, hitting his shoulder playfully. He does as you say, his brother following him and then reaching out his arm to help you.

"Up there" says Bain when you are inside the house. You make your way up to the house with the brothers right behind you.

"Da, why are there dwarves coming out of our toilet?" you hear a girl's voice, followed by another "Will they bring us luck?"

You look at the two girls, smiling to the younger one. You sit with the others near the fire, as Bard lands some clothes to the dwarves "They may not be the best fit, but they'll keep you warm". Then he turns to you and call for his older daughter "Sigrid, take something for the girl. I think she'll fit in Tilda's clothes".

"Follow me, my lady" she says.

"There's no need for that, you can call me Lyra" you say, as you follow her into a room. She goes through some clothes in the wardrobe, and then she lands you a purple dress, along with a black cloak. You take the clothes and as soon as she closes the door you try them on. The drees is a bit large on the waist and it reaches your ankles, but it fits you fine. You also put the cloak on and then you reach the others in the living room.

"You're stunning" whispers Fili in your ear, hugging you from behind.

You chuckle and turn to kiss him. You wrap your arms around his neck, and he squeeze your hips with his hands, deepening the kiss.

"Ew! Get a room! There are children here!" exclaims Kili. You pull away from Fili as he glares towards his brother, who is covering little Tilda's eyes, making her chuckles.

"You took our money. Where are the weapons?" asks Thorin to Bard, catching everyone's attention.

"Wait here" he says, heading to the door.

"Tomorrow begins the last days of Autumn" says Thorin to Balin

"Durin's Day falls the morning after next. We must reach the mountain before then"

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