War Zone

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Please don't hate me but this is a war so it'd be pretty unrealistic for EVERYBODY to get out unscathed but please remember this does have a happy ending
Also as for the love triangle turned square will have an ending that I think you'll all like just to pacify ya real quick lmao❤️

The air was completely still in the woods near Mystic Falls. Erica could hear the rustling of feathers in a tree and smiled. As much as she complained, and she would always complain, she loved having night patrol. She just loved giving Klaus and Derek a headache too.

Almost immediately after Klaus left, Derek made sure Erica and Boyd were ready for their shift. Malia and Peter were finally resting after a long day. They hadn't exactly taken to the town yet but Erica had hope that they would. She certainly was. The small town reminded her of home. Sharing a smile with Boyd, her best friend, Erica continued on their usual path.

"Derek said he'll meet us when we get to the waterfall" Boyd said making Erica nod. Derek had left with one of Klaus's hybrids. They seemed like they were pretty new, which surprised Erica, with the doppelgänger a vampire now she would've thought Klaus would want to save all the blood he could.

"Do you think he'll get his head out of his ass anytime soon?" Erica muttered as they walked. Boyd looked up at the moon as he thought about Erica's question.

"Derek or Klaus?" He asked making the blonde smile at him. So happy that she had him to talk to. To complain about their alpha and his second in command. Unfortunately, before she could respond, an arrow embedded itself in the tree, right beside her head.

"Fuck!" Erica cursed as ducked out of the way. Making her way towards Boyd she groaned. "How the hell didn't we hear them?" She asked with a grunt. Boyd wasn't sure but he knew they'd get there asses chewed out. By Derek and Klaus.

"Can you hear them now?" Boyd asked as they listened. It was faint, extremely faint, but Erica could make out at least 5 people. The blonde motioned to 3 people on his side and two on hers. With a nod they jumped into action.

Boyd, using his strength and body, slammed into one momentarily shocking the two beside him. Erica on the other hand quickly swept a woman's feet from under her body and punched another in the face. The strength of the blonde's punch knocking the man out cold. Before the girl could recover Erica jumped on her and swiftly snapped her neck.

Looking over at her pack mate, Erica saw Boyd pinned down, and growled loudly. The blonde brandished her claws at the man who held out a black rod. Erica didn't know what it did but she was sure she didn't want to find out. Running at him she swiped at the man, attempting to get him with her claws.

"Erica!" Boyd called out in fear. The blonde hybrid swept the mans feet and looked towards Boyd. It was too late. The arrow had pierced skin.

A howl was heard throughout Mystic Falls.
"We should talk" Klaus said as he watched Bonnie let out a sigh. The small witch looked from Klaus, to the young witch on her bed, and nodded.

"Meet me on the porch" she muttered, though for all intents and purposes, it looked to Klaus like she wished to be anywhere else. With a nod he hopped off of her window sill. Deciding not to comment on it. Not yet at least.

Bonnie took a breath as she closed her window back up. She wasn't sure what Klaus wanted to talk about specifically, but she was sure, it had to do with the two of them. A part of her wished she could just send him away and put everything from her mind, but considering she spent the last hour wracking her brain with the problems between them all, this would probably be best.

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