The Invitation

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No one POV:
When Esther was woken up in the 21st century she had 2 goals in mind. 1 fix what was left of her broken family, and 2 help the Bennett witch fulfill the prophecy she was destined to complete. With these thoughts in mind she arranged for a grand ball to be taken place later that evening. Walking into a large art studio in the large house she finds her son. The only son of her lover, Ansel.

"Niklaus" she calls out to him softly and he looks at his mother. "You're still surprised I've forgiven you" she says. The hybrid looks at her.
"I tried to kill you, I've been a monster for the past couple centuries and even though I thought it in their best interest my siblings feel as if I've tortured them for the past couple centuries" he says matter of factly before continuing with his painting. Esther nods along, knowing of all of her sons misdeeds. She had watched him from the Other side. She knows everything he had done.

"I was angry" she says finally "for a long time, but then the anger turned into understanding and when I was told that you could be helped, that my family could come together as one I knew I had to do whatever I could to make that happen" she tells him. He looks at her in shock, the fact that the Spirits told her this surprising them both. He looks at her in disbelief.

"And what do the spirits say must happen for this" he asks sarcastically and she gives a small smile. Esther walks closer to her son.

"I've already spoken to your siblings and they're all in agreement on what must be done, though I suspect you will be harder to convince" she says to her son, smiling. Knowing he had always been the most stubborn of her children.

"Well mother please, don't leave me in suspense" he says sarcastically, continuing with his painting. She takes a calming breath before looking at the back of her sons back, preparing for an outburst.

"We must befriend Bonnie Bennett and help her fulfill her destiny" she tells him to which he stops completely. He looks at his mother in shock.

"The spirits want me to befriend Bonnie Fucking Bennett" he asks his mother incredulously. She raises an eyebrow at her most ill tempered son, calmly waiting for him to finish. "The girl who wants me dead more than anyone, the one who freed you in hopes you'd help defeat me?" Esther decides to calmly sit down waiting for him. "Please tell me mother, how could that possibly be beneficial to us, what could we gain from Bonnie Bennett" he asks his mother finally finishing his tirade. Esther just calmly smiles at her son, ankles crossed as she sits. The perfect picture of decorum.

"Well other than our family, always and forever" she says giving him a look, to which he rolls his eyes like a petulant child. "How does the whole supernatural world sound?"

Bonnie POV:
The next morning I wake up on my own bed, thank God. Looking at the room around me I sigh, the whole place is a mess. Well more of a mess than it usually would be. Her normally OCD level clean room actually actually only slightly messy. Grimoire's and loose papers are scattered on the desk, clothes all over the floor and now take-out food from the grill on the nightstand next to my bed. Sighing I get up and turn on some music. The raspy voice of Amy Winehouse sounds throughout my room. I sing along as I pick up my clothes and put them in a small bin to take downstairs. Dancing all the while.

"He left no time to regret
Kept his dick wet
With his same old safe bet
Me and my head high
And my tears dry" I sing along as I walk down the stairs with the first load of clothes. With the washing machine in the basement it's usually a workout, but I feel energy coursing through me. Where the hell is all this random energy coming from lately? Usually with everything going on I feel half dead before I have my morning coffee. I put the clothes to wash and head back up the stairs as Amy Winehouse's voice slows.

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