New Orleans Part 3

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Whhaaaattt??? Another update?? YUP I decided to focus on my writing a little bit.
I might go back and tweak it all a bit like making actual paragraphs like I have for my other story RELEASED If u haven't read it please do I like how it's coming along but idk yet but I feel like it's easier to read that way
Let me know please
Anyway I hope you enjoy❤️

By the time Niklaus made it back to the Mikaelson residence, Elijah was peacefully sleeping in his room. As the hybrid poured himself a drink Rebekah approached him, her face devoid of any and all emotion. Elijah has been bleeding profusely, Sophie could slow it down some but for some reason it just ended on its own.

"Was it Bonnie" she asked guardedly. She loved Bonnie dearly but if she tried to kill her brothers she'd have no choice but to do anything she could to stop her.

"No" Niklaus says sitting down. Rebekah let out a breath, relief flowing through her as he said it. "She was too busy with me" he said and she looks at him in confusion.

"I attacked a young woman to get a reaction out of her" he says taking a sip of his drink. "It worked" Rebekah just looks at him a moment, with her head tilted.

"You care about her" she says in surprise. She knew he didn't want her dead. As their mother said Bonnie was their key to the supernatural world. First and foremost Niklaus wanted power.

He was almost obsessed with it. So it came as a surprise that he actually grew to care for the witch. Not that it was hard.

Niklaus just looks at his baby sister for a moment, neither confirming nor denying it. Though he suspects she already knows the answer. No matter what their petty arguments were they were the closest. She was his favorite and he was her protector. They knew each other better than anyone.

"Well I'm glad you care about someone" she says softly. After so long she had begun to worry about him. The last woman he truly loved was Aurora and she was a crazy bitch. At least she liked Bonnie. Still, she wondered what he'd think of Elijah's growing fondness for her friend. Though none of it mattered until they got Bonnie back anyways.

"They're preparing a ritual for tonight" Sophie says walking into the sitting room, a large book in her hands. Marcel right behind her, hot on her heels.

"A ritual for what" Klaus asks her and she shrugs uselessly.

"I'm not sure but that's what the earthquake was for, a call to arms of sorts" she says in explanation.

"And how do you know this?" Rebekah asks her. Sophie shows her the book, on it is a picture of witches in a circle around a fire and what looked like ancient warriors surrounding them.

"Because it's only been done once before, a thousand years ago. It's called the Evacatio" she says handing the female original the book.
"The Summoning"
"It's almost time" the man says to Meela and Bonnie. "Prepare yourselves, we want to be ready when he arrives" The witches nod going to change into their ceremonial clothes.
As Bonnie leaves to change she can't help but think of Klaus.

Meela stays back to talk to her master. As Bonnie leaves she looks at the man.

"She broke the hold already" she says to the man who nods.

"I know" he says unbothered and she looks at him in disbelief. Widening her eyes she has to stop herself from screaming in frustration at him, they couldn't lose the girl.

"And what will she do if she breaks the hold before the time is right" she asks and he shakes his head.

"It won't happen. The others are in place as we speak" he tells her "soon he will arrive and she will be dead anyway"

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