Making It Work

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Elena couldn't help but stare as Bonnie and Zoe laughed together, Zoe showing Bonnie an over the top dress with feathers all over it. As far as how Bonnie was handling taking care of the girl, she was doing a good job of it, like she was born to be a mom.

Elena couldn't help but be jealous. She always wanted a family, now she wasn't sure if she'd ever get it. The man she loved was a vampire and so was the man she was beginning to have unwanted feelings for. She felt like she was screwed.

She supposed she knew at some point the subject would come up. Elena wanted a family of her own and it wasn't like she wanted to be a vampire either. Looking at what Bonnie was getting made her wonder where her life was going now. She hadn't had much time to think about it before with one life threatening thing happening after another but now it was being shoved in her face.

"You okay?" Caroline says coming up behind the brunette. She saw Elena staring at Bonnie and Zoe, a look of longing on her face. It wasn't hard to tell what the doppelgänger had been thinking of. When Rebekah went to grab some strawberry lemonade, Caroline saw her chance to go to Elena.

"Yea I'm fine" Elena tells her, discreetly shaking her head as she turns back to the clothing rack. Caroline just stood in front of her raising an eyebrow. The doppelgänger seeing her friends stubborn face sighed.

"I just- I can't help but be a little jealous" Elena says looking at Bonnie. Caroline could only knit her eyebrows together in confusion. She'd remembered when they were little Elena was a little jealous, kind of arrogant and more than a bit possessive of what she thought was hers but she'd changed a lot since those days. They all have. Besides with everything Bonnie's been through she wasn't sure why Elena would be jealous, Bonnie's had it the worst out of all of them.

"Of what?" Caroline asks gently. Usually it was Bonnie in these situations, playing mediator for the blonde and brunette.

"It's just- Bonnie's forming a family with them, a new family" she says and Caroline begins to understand a bit. "She's practically even got a daughter now, and I'm happy for her, she deserves it but..." she says trailing off and Caroline nods.

"She was ours first" Caroline says and Elena nods softly, looking down.

"You and her, you've always been close but I've been drifting from her for years now. I haven't exactly been the best friend lately what if she doesn't need me anymore" Elena says as she sits on one of the many chairs. Caroline sighs looking at the doppelgänger softly.

"Bonnie will always need us Elena" Caroline says softly as they look at the small witch who was looking at dresses with Zoe. "We've known her since we were babies, we know her better than anyone and we are the ones who will bring her back if she ever looses her way and we've all lost our way once or twice" she says giving Elena a knowing look.

Elena breathes out a soft chuckle and nods softly. Caroline notices the girl still looks deep in though as they watch the 2 witches try on clothes. She raises an eyebrow at the brunette.

"So what else is bothering you?" She asks making Elena look at her in shock. Elena stares at her face for a minute before sighing.

"I'm in love with a vampire, with growing feelings for another vampire" Elena says and Caroline looks at her in confusion before shrugging lightly at her.

"So? Stefan makes you happy and as much as I hate to admit it so does Damon in his own way I mean it's hard but you know you love Stefan" she says faking a shudder as she mentions Damon to make the brunette laugh. She does before letting out a sad breath of air.

"I know, it's just that I won't be able to have the family I always dreamed of" she says softly. After all the family she'd lost, she felt like she needed her own family. It didn't look like that was in the cards for her.

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