Catch up

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Elena and Caroline stumble on the strange sight of a witch and 2 original vampires laying in the grass. Elena rubs her palms to her eyes in shock at seeing Elijah so carefree.

"Bonnie" Caroline says rushing over to her and laying on the smaller girl, causing her to grunt softly.

"Yes CareBear" she asks and Caroline smiles at the nickname. She admits she's worried about Bonnie and Rebekah getting so close. She doesn't like sharing her best friend.

"I wanna get laid tonight" she says making Elijah choke on air beside her. Bonnie laughs loudly at the blonde as Elena face palms. No matter what happens they're still them.

"Well I'm sure Tyler would love to hear that" she tells her best friend as her boyfriend comes up behind them.

"Oh I'm very happy to hear it" he says and Caroline looks at him smiling widely, though still not getting off of Bonnie.

"Hi baby" she says laying her head on Bonnie's chest, the hybrid smiles crouching down beside them.

"Hey there" he says softly to her. Bonnie can't help but feel a pang in her chest. The last person who spoke like that to her was Jeremy. Shaking the thoughts from her head, Bonnie wiggles under Caroline.

"Go on to your boyfriend" she says and Caroline shakes her head wrapping herself around a still wiggling Bonnie.

"But you're so comfy, so much softer than Tyler" she says and Bonnie laughs at her as she continues to wiggle.

"Well I'm definitely okay with this sight" he says and the 2 friends give him a dry look. He holds his hands up in mock surrender as they let out an 'eww' simultaneously.

"Look Bonnie's hot but she's basically my sister" Caroline says as she stands, hitting her boyfriend playfully. "Don't be gross"

Bonnie laughs as she stands with the help of Elijah, holding onto his arm to keep her balance. He doesn't mind at all, it keeps her close to him and away from the Lockwood boy. He has no doubt that the young hybrid loves Miss Forbes but he already has to compete with his brother for Bonnie's affection.

Rebekah gets in the other side of Bonnie, holding onto her waist and leaning a head on her shoulder, causing Bonnie to lean her head on the fellow blondes head.

"Come on babe lets get you home" Tyler says and gestures for Elena. "You too 'Lena" he says as Caroline reaches out a hand for the brunette who runs into her awaiting arms. Bonnie moves to give them both a hug but stumbles before she even takes a step. They see and shake their heads.

"No Bonnie" Elena slurs. "You're to- you're too drunk" she says holding up a finger at the witch.

"Yea Lena's right. Actually, 'Lijah" Caroline says calling out to the original, Elijah rolls his eyes at her. The blonde has reluctantly grown on him but he knows he'll never live down being called 'Lijah. "You should carry her" she says and Elijah smirks at her mischievous smile. Yes she's definitely growing on him. He nods before swiftly picking up Bonnie bridal style, making her squeak in surprise.

"Time to go home Bonnie" he says and she laughs waving to her friends as she's carried off in Elijah's arms.
Luckily they had already agreed to a sleepover, Elijah thought as he looked at a half sleeping Bonnie. Rebekah was practically asleep by the time she was put in the back seat and now she's snoring away, off in dreamland. He would've never been able to get the young Bennett inside himself unless she invited him in and he didn't want his first time in her home to be when she was out of sorts.

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