Wreak Havoc

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Bonnie woke up to the sound of light snoring. She blinked softly as her eyes adjusted to the light around her, she definitely wasn't in the bunker anymore.

She felt a soft bed under her and looked up and around the room, it was mostly unfamiliar to her but she was almost positive it was in the Mikaelson mansion. It should have been strange how she was able to tell so quickly.

Looking towards the sound of the snores she smiles softly at Klaus's sleeping figure. He was laid back in a large armchair, his head to the side in a way that didn't look very comfortable.

She had to wonder exactly what happened last night, she remembered him coming and ripping out the girls heart out, then feeling safe right before passing out. She almost felt as if she were dying for a moment. Luckily for her that wasn't the case.

"It's rude to stare" the hybrid mumbles out with a small smirk. He turns slowly, his eyes taking her in. She looks small in his shirt, her hair a bit ruffled from sleep. Even just woken up she was still one of the most, if not the most, beautiful beings he's ever laid his eyes on.

She shakes her head at him, turning slowly as her thoughts went to last night. Sensing her growing anxieties Klaus moves to sit next to her on the large bed.

"They're gone, they won't be able to get to you. Not while I protect you" he says and Bonnie nods at him as she lays back.

"I killed someone last night" she whispers, her voice devoid of emotion. He nods, remembering what Elijah told him last night. She did, with a sword. Had she been in more in the mood for it he would have told her how proud he was of her.

"And you feel bad?" He guesses as he pulls her to his chest but she shakes her head, he can't help but be surprised by her answer.

"No" she says surprising him greatly. He looks at her softly as she turns to face him. "If I could I'd kill her again"

He raises an eyebrow at the girl. Marveling at  how she changed. Not too long ago she never would've wanted to hurt anyone, except maybe himself, now she turned into an avenging angel seemingly over night.

Then again with everything she'd endured it would be a surprise if she didn't. Yet with all of that her eyes still looked soft, near innocent.

"I feel like that makes me a bad person" she whispers and he can't stop the chuckling that escapes his mouth softly. She turns to glare at him. He holds his hands up in surrender.

"I don't mean to laugh love, but if you are bad I don't know what good is" he says causing her eyes to soften exponentially. She sighs at his explanation. Leaning more into him unconsciously. He notices but doesn't say anything, wanting to bask in her presence as long as possible.

"You have a good, soft and gentle heart Bonnie Bennett" he says laying back against the headrest with her. She nods softly not entirely believing him. "Yet you are also a brave warrior, I've known that from the moment I met you and it was proven when you came out of the woods, power surging, more than ready to end my life " he says and she lets out an amused breath at the thought of her trying to kill him.

"Bonnie we are in a war, one that will take from us and make us do things that we will not be proud of" he says and she knows deep in her heart that he's telling the truth. She feels it in her gut and the air around them, a war draws near. She looks at him as he sits up, taking her hand in his gently.

"But make no mistake, you are with us and none of us will let anything happen to you" he says and she smiles nodding at the blonde hybrid. She knew she could trust him on this. She felt in her heart that he would keep her safe. "Always and forever" he promises softly.

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