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Bonnie walked in the mansion in between Caroline and Elena, a mixture of sadness and comfort settling over her. She felt like she was drowning but forged ahead. Elijah was the first to greet them at the door, his face calm before landing on Bonnie.

"What happened?" He asked her as he shot forward, taking her hand from Elena. She sighed as Stefan walked in. She hadn't been ready for the sadness and guilt to bombard her when she saw him.

"I'll explain when everyone gets together" he says and Elijah glares at him.

"Did you do something to her"Elijah asks him with a growl, only cut off by Bonnie putting a gentle hand on his chest.

"It wasn't him, I got some answers from the spirits but it- it wasn't good" she says her voice soft as she tried not to let the fact that she had been crying show. He looks at her in concern but nods.

"Come, we'll go to the room my mother showed you last night" he says as everyone begins to enter. He shows the others inside but holds Bonnie back, pulling her aside lightly.

Bonnie looked up at the vampire, trying to keep herself together. Every time she looked at him she saw him laying on the cold wet floor, dead. Bonnie had to press her lips together to stop them from trembling.

"Bonnie" he says her name softly, softer than she could ever remember him saying anything. Bonnie shook her head as she put her hand on his cheek softly.

"Please just, let Stefan explain" Bonnie said, practically begging him not to ask her what happened. Elijah frowned but nodded at her.

"I won't ask you what happened" he promised her softly. The small witch let out a sigh of relief as their foreheads rested against each other's. "I will however ask if you are alright" he asked making her sigh.

"When Stefan tells you what happened, I'll be the one asking you that" Bonnie muttered softly. Elijah looked at her inquisitively, wondering exactly what happened.

"I suppose I'll have to hear exactly what happened" he says softly before wrapping his arms around her, pulling her into his chest.

Bonnie sighed softly as he pulled her into him. Feeling truly safe since she left the old witch's house. It was strange how neither Elena nor even Caroline was able to make her feel as safe as Elijah did with a simple hug. Bonnie squeezed him one last time before letting go, looking up at him.

As she looked into his deep brown eyes she felt her whole body soften. He was so good. The noble brother. She couldn't let anything happen to him. Reaching a hand up she put a hand on his cheek, softly bringing her lips to his. The kiss was chaste but it was also what she needed. He was there and, for now, he was safe. Letting go he gives her a soft smile, leading her inside.

Walking into the room they realize Rebekah, Finn and Kol are already there, leaving only Esther and Klaus to meet them. Of course Castiel and the Winchester brothers weren't there but with the revelations from the night before no one was surprised, least of all Bonnie. As Bonnie sat down Esther and Klaus walked in together, Klaus making a beeline to the small witch. Seeing her face his eyebrows knit together.

"What's wrong?" He asks her. She shakes her head as Stefan stands and points to him.

"He'll explain" she says softly as he sits beside her.

After Stefan was done explaining the vision the spirits gave her the room is quiet. No one spoke as the vampire sat down calmly. Rebekah couldn't help the shiver that came up her spine thinking of her own death. It was strange to think about. She was immortal, she'd been alive thousands of years and now she could die. It was surreal. Elijah felt nearly the same way but couldn't help but think Bonnie being dead felt worse than knowing he could be.

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