Making Plans

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"So Mother, Mr. Saltzman did you find anything in your books?" Klaus, of course, is the first to ask them. Esther looks up from her food and towards her son with a small smirk.

"We didn't find where anything could be, but we have a direction to go" Esther informs them all. Bonnie looks at her in confusion, locking eyes with Dean briefly.

"What direction mother?" Finn asks, his voice low and Bonnie finds she missed hearing it. She hasn't spent much time with him lately but he's always good to her, his strong and calming presence always seemed put her at ease. Esther looks at Alaric who just nods at her.

"It seems as if the object in Bonnie's vision could be either Isis's Harpoon or the Spear of Horus" Esther informs them. Bonnie looks over at Dean who just shrugs.

"I ain't dream about no spear" Dean tells them all, steak still in his mouth making Bonnie chuckle. Klaus rolls his eyes at the hunter, annoyed.

"Just what exactly have you been dreaming about then?" He asks and Dean simply looks at him with a self satisfied smirk. Elena and Caroline exchanged looks as Rebekah's eyebrows raise in surprise.

"Okay" Bonnie says loudly seeing where this was going. "Maybe we should talk about what's important like the weapons that can defeat Ra" she says looking back and forth from them.

Deans smirk stays on his face as he goes back to eating, while Klaus continues to glare at him a moment. Bonnie rolls her eyes at the men while Elijah sighs. The Salvatore brothers look at each other while Alaric face palms at the whole situation.

"Where do we find these things?" Elijah asks his mother, though he keeps an eye on his brother and the green eyed hunter. Esther nods at her son before an annoyed frown is planted firmly on her face.

"I do not know for sure" she admits before looking at Bonnie. "though it seems your grandmother had something that would find it for us" she says and Bonnie looks at her in confusion.

"Grams was an occult's professor why would she have anything like that?" She asks and this time it's Alaric who smiles softly at her.

"It uh- it was a gift from me" he says softly and she looks at him in shock.

"She helped me when I was looking to kill Damon, she saw it and loved it, so I thought it'd be a nice way to say thank you. I didn't realize it was so important but I guess everything comes around full circle" he says and Bonnie smiles at him softly. She couldn't believe it but then again, her grams seemed to have helped everyone.

"What was it?" She asks as Alaric smiles at her gently.

"It was a Horus eye spear head, I found it digging in Egypt it's said to show the wearer where to find Horus's most coveted weapon. I tried it and figured it was a myth but Esthers grimoire says it will only work for Horus himself, or a descendant" he tells them. Dean raises an eyebrow, still unused to the term but nods. Bonnie gives him a reassuring smile but then turns to Alaric and Esther.

"So what's it look like?" She asks and Esther hands a piece of paper down the row going from Alaric to Elena then Damon and Tyler, to Caroline, Dean and finally getting to Bonnie. Knitting her eyebrows together she looks at it and sighs.

"Damn it" she says as she looks at it putting a hand to her forehead. Elena looks at her in concern.

"What's wrong?" She asks causing Bonnie to look up.

"A year ago Whittmore college asked for a few of Grams things to put in an exhibition made for her, this is one of the things I gave them" she says looking at Alaric apologetically. "I'm sorry I had no idea it was a gift, she kept it in a case in her office at Whittmore, since it was always there anyway I thought it'd be perfect" she says softly but Alaric just nods and smiles at her reassuringly.

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