Dreams and Destinations

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No One POV:
Walking into the mansion Niklaus Mikaelson lets out a loud groan. The Salvatore brothers would be a problem. No matter what Bonnie felt an attachment to them, blind loyalty. In a way it would have been admirable had it not interfered with his plans to bring the witch onto his side.

"You knew she was sent to spy on us" Esther starts as she walks into the foyer. "And yet you did nothing?"

Looking at his mother he lets out a sigh, walking past her and into a rather large living room. He grabs a bottle of scotch and makes himself a drink.

"I expected her to do much more than just assess the situation" he explains to his mother holding out a glass, which she denies. He shrugs putting the top back on and taking a sip.

"The fact that she refused to snoop around meant we were already in her head, besides if she chose to do so she would find nothing because we have nothing to hide which would work in our favor regardless" he says sitting in the nearest armchair. The way he holds himself to the untrained eye you would assume he had no care in the world, but Esther knew her son. He could not hide the storm behind his eyes, not from her. "Besides retribution would obliterate any progress we've made with her"

Esther nods at his reasoning. It is sound but very unlike him. At least the person he has become now. It seems as if Bonnie Bennett has already begun to seep her way into her sons heart.

She is unsure if it is a good thing or not considering she suspects the same of her second oldest son. Elijah had been singing the girls praises since the ball and she had never seen him as scared as he was when he brought Bonnie's unconscious body home.

The young witch has worked her way into the family without even realizing it, starting with her friendship with Rebekah. Hopefully she understands the gravity of the situation with her sons and can bring them together instead of tearing them apart. The spirits tell her that Bonnie will bring her family together so she will trust in them. For now.

As Niklaus stared into the burning embers of the fire his thoughts are consumed with the witch. The first time he spoke to her at the ball he had only the plan in mind, becoming king of the entire supernatural world too good a deal to pass up. He knew he'd do anything to get Bonnie Bennett. Though after dancing with her throughout the night something started to change. Seeing her happy and comfortable made him want to see her like that always.

She was his equal in many ways. She had power, passion, and when she had a goal in mind absolutely nothing would stop her. In those ways she was his perfect match, but he had other things that she would never accept. His ruthlessness would always rival her moral compass. For some reason though, as he got closer to her he felt he didn't want to rule as much as he once did.

He wanted other things. He wanted to make her smile and laugh. He wanted to spend hours feeding each other and dancing in a grand ballroom made just for her. He wanted to show her the world and all the wonders in it. The intensity of the feelings had caught him off guard, but as soon as Elijah barged in yelling for his mother the only thing he could think of was staying by her side until she woke up.

Elijah of course would find it suspicious and seeing as he had taken vigil by her bedside he couldn't. So he did the next best thing and waited in the next room, leaning against the wall closest to her, just listening her soft breathing.

He had a moment to spend with her as Elijah went to speak with Rebekah. He could do nothing but stare at her at first. She was a warrior, one of his fiercest adversaries. Yet there she lay lying on a bed looking near dead.
Before he could help himself he touched her face, pushing her hair out of her face and asking, pleading for her to wake up. He wanted her, that much was certain, she wanted him as well if the way she reacted to him tonight was any indication.

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