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Bonnie sighed as she leaned her head against her seat. The blast of the air conditioner doing nothing for her. It felt like the passed few days were just a blur. Her mind going to everything that's happened, every death, new gods entering the picture. Her life didn't make sense anymore and that was the only things that made sense.

Not to mention, what Anubis told her, she had soul ties. People who's souls were intertwined with hers forever. Two of them were in the car with her. Both had feelings for her and she felt something for them. She wanted to smash her head against the window at her own thoughts. Her own confusion making her groan. She could only imagine how frustrating it must be for them to have to deal with.

"What are you thinking about?" Klaus asked softly, his voice barely above a whisper, so he didn't disturb the man sleeping in the back. Bonnie sighed as she looked at the hybrid.

"Nothing, it's just- It's been a long few days" Bonnie muttered softly, making Klaus take a breath. His eyes closing for a moment as he thought of his lost pack mate.

"I know" he said lowly. Bonnie immediately heard the pain in his voice. Like his heart was breaking in his chest. She remembered how he got when Erica was simply close to death, she couldn't imagine what he was feeling now, the pain he was going through.

"Anubis told me something, while I was there, after I asked if we could get him back" Bonnie started softly, gaining the mans undivided attention.

"You asked Anubis for Boyd?" He asked seriously, shock in his voice. He hadn't realized she would do something like that.

"Well technically I didn't ask, not yet at least, but he already knew what I was going to ask" Bonnie told him nervously, wondering if the hybrid would yell at her for it. Looking back at it, it was potentially dangerous to ask the god of the underworld anything, let alone to bring someone back. Especially after he'd just helped bring someone back.

"Well, anyways, Anubis told me that Boyd was happy, that he found his perfect afterlife" Bonnie told Klaus softly. The hybrids eyes closed for a moment as he let it sink it. It didn't heal the hurt but it did feel a bit better. To know that he was happy. That he found his peace.

"Did he?" Klaus asked, just wanting to hear it again. Imagining his hybrids smiling face. The mans booming laugh. That's all he wanted for him. Klaus wished he had given them more of it.

"Yea, Boyd is happy, and I know you miss him but at least you know that- that he's found peace" Bonnie said softly, her voice low as she spoke to him. Klaus nodded at her, taking his hand in his, and kissing her knuckles gently.

"Thank you Bonnie"
Zoe frowned as she tore her room apart. Her chest was aching. Her head hurt. Not to mention her knuckles were bloody from hitting a punching bag too hard too many times. Yet none of that mattered. All she wanted to do was find that damn picture. The young witch hadn't been able to sleep the whole night. Her mind keeping her up. She hadn't let anyone come near her either. Locking everyone out of the room.

"Damn it" Zoe groaned angrily, throwing her clothes out. Trying desperately to find that one piece of paper.

"Hey, hey, hey" she heard someone say behind her. Zoe turned to find Sam there. His eyes red and puffy. Just like hers. "What's wrong" he asked, then winced at his own question. They both knew what was wrong. Everyone in the mansion knew what was wrong.

"I can't find it" Zoe told him, continuing her rampage. Sam frowned as he looked at the young girl in front of him.

"Can't find what?" He asked, making her turn to him. A frown on her face as she tried to stop herself from shaking.

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