chapter 57

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There was someone in the bushes, following me. I was sure of it. I was sure it wasn't an animal, which would've bolted by now, and I was sure it wasn't a monster, which would've killed me by now. The only thing that would be stupid enough to keep hiding after I clearly heard them, is a person. Or two persons, I guess. And the most likely candidates for that were the ones whose dragon I'd killed.

Great. Just great. Because I need to get in a fight with two idiots bitching about their metal dragon. It was just a stupid machine, anyways. Couldn't they just rebuild it?

I felt bad about killing it, but I hadn't been given a choice in the matter. Just rebuild it, and get over it, please.

I knew a fight was coming, so I stopped with a sigh, and set myself in a defensive position, trying to steady my breathing and not let on that every breath I took felt like someone was stabbing me in the chest.

I cast my eyes downward, focusing on one little flower on the forest floor. It was purple, blooming all alone. Because if I could focus on this flower, just this one flower, maybe, just maybe, I could make it through this. Maybe if I could focus on it enough, I could make everything else go away. Maybe I could focus on this flower enough for the pain to fade, just enough so I didn't die here.

"Come out. I know you're there," I called, annoyed, hearing the bushes rustle.

Nothing moved. Gods, can we just get this over with already?

"Fucking cowards," I muttered, taking another shuddering breath.

I heard two someone's step out of the bushes, but only one set themselves in front of me. The other one went crashing through the forest, probably to get behind me. Whoever it was, they sure weren't quiet about it. Come on, focus on the flower, not the pain.

"You killed Festus," said the girl, angrily, the one who was in front of me, I supposed. The guy was the one crashing through the underbrush behind me, trying to be sneaky, I guess. I didn't look up to meet her eyes, and my hair fell in my face, thankfully. If I had looked up, she'd probably be able to see how much pain I was in, and how easily she could beat me. I couldn't let that happen. I had to bluff my way through this until I could figure out a plan, because the shitty shape I was in was not the most optimal shape for fighting two very armed, very angry people.

"Was that its name?" I asked her, trying to make my voice strong, and doing my best not to let it shake. The flower swayed back and forth in the slight breeze, and it cooled the back of my neck.

"It was his name," she said through gritted teeth, "and you're going to pay for it."

"Sorry, don't have any money."

"That's- gah! Just... why would you do it? You didn't have to kill him," she asked me, angrily, her true grief for the dragon shining through in her voice. Huh. I guess they actually cared for the machine. I felt the slightest bit worse than I already had.

The guy had stopped stumbling through the underbrush, and had started trying to creep up behind me. I almost laughed at the pathetic attempt. The strategy was a classic one, but he was making more noise than his actual dragon had. Clearly the girl was meant to distract me until he could get in firing range of me. I decided to play along, a plan forming in my mind.

Was it a good plan? Probably not. But would it work? Also, probably not, but it was worth a shot.

And if I could avoid being burned alive, that'd be great too.

"Yeah, I did. He attacked me first, so I don't know what to tell you," I shrugged, still concentrating on my flower.

And then the last part of my plan fell into place. I felt a hot, sharp metal point poke into the small of my back.

"Choose your next words very wisely," the guy snarled, hot knife pressing into my back. I took a deep breath, readying myself. The first part of my plan had worked, surprisingly.

Now, I could either die slowly and painfully, or somehow make the rest of this piece of shit plan work. I readied myself.

"Your dragon," I smiled, "fucking deserved it."

The girl, she was smart. A look of realization crossed her face, and she realized what I was planning on doing. Good thing he wasn't so lucky.

"Leo, wait!" the girl cried, but it was a little too late.

The guy drew back his arm to strike the dagger into my back with a cry of grief, and my short window opportunity opened up.

My flower waved at me, purple petals blowing in the wind.

I twisted my body, ignoring the painful snap in my ribs, avoiding his strike. It was like time slowed down. I could see exactly what to do, exactly how to win.

He stumbled forward, not expecting it. I used his momentum to wrench his dagger from his hand and into mine. Both the dagger and his hand was hot, really hot, and I winced, feeling like I needed to drop it. I suppressed the urge, and tightened my grip.

The guy, Leo, I assumed his name was, spun on his heel angrily to meet me, lighting both of his hands on fire.

I'm sorry.

And with a twinge of regret, I plunged the dagger into his stomach.

(A/N: don't be mad at me. you can thank _bookworm_nicole_ for this)

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