Chapter 13 : 600 times

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Once I got home I started to cry, to stop myself from crying any more than I already have, I took a warm shower

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Once I got home I started to cry, to stop myself from crying any more than I already have, I took a warm shower. It's been a long time since a person has shown a genuine interest in me. He was just using me for God knows what, he was probably taping our conversation, so he can give it to the press.

Right now I just feel numb, I don't want to hurt like this anymore I want to make the hurting stop, but it won't. I get out my phone to call Jeanette and Valerie, I'm scrolling through my contacts. it's hard to see because my eyes are swollen from crying so much, and tears are still on the verge of rolling" down my face. They answer within two rings.

"Hello, Um Val, Jenny, I need you right now. I say while sniffling through my sentence.

"Rowan, are you ok?" When I paused to let Valerie and or Jeanette speak, I was surprised to hear that it wasn't their voices. it was a man's voice and this man. in particular, was Mr. Collins. I hate my life.

"Umm sorry this is the wrong number, I should go, sorry for disturbing your night sir have a great night." I was in a hurry to hang up the phone, and once I did, I let out a big sigh.

"Oh my God, what have I done, even when I'm sad I'm useless, I'm going to die alone."

The dreaded Monday comes around, and I'm so scared to face Mr. Collins and his beautiful glory. First, we slept together, and then he tells me that we should just forget about it, and now I called him when I was sad!

Today is going to be the hardest day of my career here. Some time passes by, and I need to give Mr. Collins his morning briefing and coffee with his paperwork. I walk through the hallway leading to his office and knock on his office door, and he allows me access. I go into his office, and I am shiting bricks at this point. I'm really wondering if I should make my will before going into Mr. Collins's office. Because I mieat die of embarrassment. 👍

"Hello sir, I have your morning briefing and." Before I could say anything else, Mr. Collins gets up from his chair. He walks toward me and takes my chin between his forefinger and thumb.

"Last week you didn't even look at me, and you're doing it again? Does your hatred run so deep for me that you can't even stomach looking at me?" I was speechless, I didn't know what to do, but then I snapped myself out of it, I pushed his hand away. I also shrugged my right shoulder away from him.

"Stop," I say while trying to find a spot to look at.

"You know, if I look close enough, I can see that your eyes are still puffy." He said while bringing his thumb to my face and rubbing under my eye.

"Stop. Why are you doing this? You have a huge selection of women that would die for you and you're- " In mid-sentence, my phone starts to ring. I take out my phone, and it's Miles, he as called all morning. Mr. Collins sees the caller ID then he takes the phone from my hand. I put the coffee and his documents on his table, then I tried to take my phone back from him. I'm jumping around Mr. Collins and raising my arm higher, but I can't get it from him.

"You had a date with him, right."

"Sigh, yes," I say while trying to catch my breath.

"And last night you called me crying, am I correct?"


"Ok, there's just one thing that I need to know."

"If it will make you give me back my phone, then yes."

"Why were you crying?"

"He was trying to get me to talk badly about you. I don't know why, and when I didn't, he said, he practically called me stupid," I say while staring at the ground. I feel Mr. Collins's put his hand on my shoulder, and then he pulls me in for a hug. I tried, but I couldn't stop the tears from coming, and I started to sob in Mr. Collins's warm embrace. He smelt like a dream, a mix of honey and lavender, it soothed me.

There was a long comfortable silence, I could hear his heart's calming tempo. And once I stop crying, Mr. Collins lets me out of the warm hug.

"Are you ok?"

"Um yes," I say while wiping my eyes.

"Good, the reason why I said to forget about." And just then my phone starts to ring again.

"Fuck, I can't even get a word in." I take my phone from Mr. Collins's hand and I put my phone on silent.


"No, it's my fault. I should have told you, so this wouldn't have happened to you." What Is going on?

"There are rumours about miles, and they aren't good. I don't know specifically about what happened with some of the girls that he's dated in the past, but I do know they never ended well. you should stay away from him. I'll even get you a new phone and new number."




"If you need anything, just tell me." Well, I want to know what you were going to say before that dick called me.

I leave Mr. Collins's office. I look down at my phone and I am truly stunned, at the fact that one person has called me over 600 times. And the fact that Mr. Collins was so sensitive, now I feel weird and dirty, I should take a shower.

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