Games of Schemes

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Never Senku had ten billion percent thought he would have someone who's just as knowledgeable as him in this Stone World. Should Rikona not woken up, he'd eventually be shouldering everything on his own. So he couldn't be any more grateful with the doctor around to share equal responsibility. Now that they had the essential materials with them, along with the immaculately crafted glass apparatuses courtesy of Kaseki's artisanship, it was time for Dr. Matsumura to take the lead. And to him, this was just as exciting as it could get.

"First, boil up the sulphuric acid and add a little bit of salt." she instructed. As everyone waited around a large pot of boiling sulphuric acid, Senku squatted down to add salt into it.

"This glass bottle is so weirdly shaped." commented Suika, who was kneeling in front of the water condenser with curiosity. "There is even a stick in the middle."

"I can't believe she asked me to make such a troublesome thing." complained Kaseki with tears of frustration streaming down his cheeks, as he recollected how difficult it was for him - even as an artisan - to create this apparatus. "Now I'm curious about what it's for."

"It's a water-dripping machine." explained the black-haired lass nonchalantly.

"You'll use it to collect the gas produced by the mixture of sulphuric acid and salt?" questioned Chrome with keen interest. Kneeling in front of a smaller fire with his gas mask and an oxygen tank on, he watched the gas emitted from the said mixture inside a boiling flask diffused into the water condenser through a curved condensing column while toxic gas escaped from the other end of the glassware.

"We have hydrochloric acid now." stated Rikona while holding up the water condenser that was now filled with acid.

"Hydrochloric acid?" repeated Kohaku, finding the name very alien.

"This chemical is a bit dangerous." she added. "You might become blind if it gets into your eyes." The sentence alone was enough to make the little girl tremble in fear.

"Next, heat the sulphur collected from the sulphuric acid lake." continued Rikona. After "Boil it and pour it into the hydrochloric acid we just made." She added the material into another boiling flask which she used another condenser column connected to a flask filled with acid. With leather wrapped around the center of the column, Suika held a small bamboo over to let water drip onto the material. Minutes later, the end result was a flask filled with a new type of acid. "We have chlorosulphonic acid now."

"What acid?" asked Kohaku, who was still as confused as before.

"It's a very dangerous chemical." explained the doctor. "If it gets on your skin, you'll turn into a scary zombie." As if that wasn't enough to terrify poor Suika. But that wasn't all, as Rikona continued, "Separate the saltwater with electricity."

For the next essential chemical, Kinro and Ginro had to be involved. While they cranked the power generator furiously, Senku dampened the tips of the wire with his tongue before dipping them into a container filled with saltwater The electricity caused some bubbling as gas emitted from the wire he held in his right hand. "It smells like a swimming pool." he commented.

In the end, they created a new type of chemical that was even dangerous than the other two. "We have sodium hydroxide now." said Rikona, holding up a glass container half-filled with sodium hydroxide sealed with a cork.

"Sodium?" repeated the ever more confused Kohaku.

"It's a very dangerous chemical." explained Rikona, who was surprisingly oblivious to the trembling Suika who had beads of perspiration on her face. "It's so corrosive that the triads in the past used it to dissolve corpses."

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