Steam Gorilla

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Steam engine; such a fascinating innovation the Ishigami villagers thought. There were stares of awe and bewilderment fixated on the machine that was moving straight speedily. Some attempted to get close to inspect this fascinatingly alien thing, but the modern people knew better than to go near a moving vehicle.

"Those in front, move out!" warned Senku. "Don't get crushed!"

"It's tewwibly dangerous!" added Gen. "You'll get hurt! Let's clear the way!" Kinro and Ginro were the majority that listened; albeit the latter freaking out when he near got hit by the vehicle. But of course, there's bound to be someone who refused to listen.

"I'm not afraid of it!" cackled Magma. "This is just a reckless monster. It won't stand a chance against someone strong like me."

"It's dangerous!" shrieked the worried Ginro.

Although, Kohaku thought this would be a good chance to put this machine to the test. "An arm wrestling between Magma and that steel entity?" she stated with mild excitement. "This is exciting."


As soon as the machine approached him, Magma held both hands out and stopped it from moving, much to the amazement of the primitives. "This is nothing." he jeered, though it's to see that he was struggling to hold up. But he was determined, as he let out a battle cry and pushed.


"MAGMA!" shouted Kinro, Ginro, and Kohaku.

"Are you insane?" scolded Rikona, adorning a deadpanned expression. "Which part of "move out" did you not understand? There's no way you'd be able to stop a steam engine with human strength alone. Only a cow can stop it."

"It's like a living thing." commented the fascinated Ruri who stood in front of the steam engine.

"Yeah, like a strong monster." agreed the bespectacled guard.

"It's like a gorilla!" added Suika.

"Exactly, even more so than Kohaku-chan." chirped Ginro.

And the next thing he knew, he was crouching on the ground gripping his very much swollen head.

"I thought Chrome was your punching bag." he sulked miserably. "Come back please, Chrome..."

"We can now all save Chrome." declared Kohaku optimistically.

'Is it me, or her fist has suddenly become significantly bigger?' wondered Rikona with a sweatdrop hanging on the back of her head as she eyed the blonde's very much enlarged fist.

"Yeah, once we quickly finish it up, our whole army will set out." confirmed the green-haired scientist. "A strong monster born from science - Steam Gorilla!"

The young doctor looked over at the village with a small smile plastered on her face. "Now, then." she began. "I think it's time for us to bid a temporary farewell to the village that nurtured us so far."

"Yeah." he murmured.

Kokuyou's gaze shifted to the ground, while Ruri stared ahead with a sad expression. "Senku, Rikona..." trailed off Kohaku.

But the former merely looked at her over his shoulder and smugly said, "No time for sentimental tears." The blonde woman's only response was a sweatdrop hanging on the back of her head. "Let's load it with all the scientific tools. Full assault against the Tsukasa Empire! This is exhilarating."

Just as Gen was about to head off somewhere, he suddenly felt a grip on his yukata sleeve. Turning his head, there stood Rikona looking at him with - what he thought - a peculiar expression of anticipation. "Yes, Ri-chan?" he responded, nevertheless.

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