Secret Mission

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The day finally broke, and it was time for Operation: Save Chrome. Kohaku was on her usual patrol duty. Laying flat atop the tall cliff, she set up the telescope aiming at where the Tsukasa Empire was located. As she surveyed the surroundings, she moved her head back a little, shocked. "That's..." she trailed off, speechless by what she found. Through the telescope, there was Chrome walking towards where the Kingdom of Science was located. Swiftly, she made her way down and helped the brunette back. Everyone was eager to see him returned alive.

"Chrome is back!" cheered Suika.

"He escaped the prison himself!" chimed Kaseki. "Not bad!"

"Science is amazing!" she added. "It can even help you break prison!"

"How do you know where we are?" asked Kohaku, glancing at the waving man from the corner of her eyes.

"How can I not know?" he remarked, earning a confused look from her. "I followed the route Suika took after scouting and walked on the road that is visible to the telescope." The said girl bashfully stared at the ground as the crowd look at her proudly.

"We have Detective Suika here to thank for her tremendous contribution." said Rikona, to which the girl let out a sheepish giggle.

"But Chrome-chan, how did you break the bamboo prison?" asked Gen out of curiosity.

"Oh!" began the said man proudly. "Brace yourselves! I used a super-duper scientific method. I used battery and saltwater to produce the solution that can melt things. It's called sodium hydroxide, right?"

"No, it's actually sodium hypochlorite." corrected the doctor flatly.

"Yeah." chimed Senku as he approached the brunette. "Chrome, you made sodium hypochlorite. When you electrolyse any saltwater, you get bleach. It's a strong alkaline. The rope is made from plants. Strong alkaline can easily dissolve fibre of 1mm-thick. This is how you escape from a bamboo prison." Adorning a smirk on his face, he let out his signature chuckle before adding, "You got it right. 10 billion points for you!" Chrome let out a smug grunt as he tilted his head up, proud of what he'd accomplished to save himself; as well as the Kingdom of Science.

Gen then had a look of realisation as he trailed off, "Then sodium hydroxide is..."

"Yeah." confirmed Rikona, who seemed to understand what he was referring to, "Back then we used strong alkaline to melt fibre to produce paper."

Kohaku humphed and then said, "Senku, Rikona and Chrome made the same thing at the same time." she noted with amusement.

As soon as her gaze landed on the brunette, Ruri's eyes widened with surprise. "Hey, Chrome." she called concernedly. Is that blood...?" The said man briefly smirked. Placing a hand over his mouth, he let out a cough; red substances began oozing onto the ground before he landed on his knees. Suika began to panic while Ruri rushed by his side. "It's like that time when I was sick!"

"Chrome got pneumonia!" cried Suika.

After the said man coughed a few times, he looked up and grinned. "Just kidding!" he said playfully, much to the confusion of everyone else.

"What is this, Chrome?" asked the worried Suika.

Rikona knelt onto the ground, fiddling the small red puddle before rubbing her fingers together. She blinked owlishly, and then laughed in amusement. "You actually used this to get rid of your prosecutors?" she asked.

"Yeah." he answered. "As expected from Rikona-sensei. Wood sorrel and perilla. If you chew them together, you'll get red-coloured water."

It was then Senku's turn to laugh. "This is interesting!" he commented. "When perilla is mixed with the oxalic acid from wood sorrel, it'll turn red."

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