To Modernity

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At this point, it seemed that Tsukasa Empire was losing. "Even Hyoga's spear broke off!" pointed out of the enemies.

"Damn it." cursed the other. "This is bad. Let's run away!"

When they turned around to flee, Ginro couldn't help himself cheered loudly, "Alright!"

"Excellent fighting skills, great team coordination, dirty tricks from a traitor, and the scientific power to make guns and katanas." listed Hyoga with a snicker. "You guys are actually prepared." Senku and Rikona looked at him with confusion, as if they were able to sense that there was more to his words. "But if you were able to realise that this battle is a fake one, then you'll be even more prepared." Kinro and Ginro looked at each other with panicked expressions.

Senku snapped his head to look over to the village. The very sight of the village on fire made him uneasy, as a bead of cold sweat dripped down his temple. "So, that's the target." he stated.

Chaos soon erupted as every hut was caught on fire. "This is bad!" exclaimed Chrome. "This place is one fire!" Everyone ran as fast as they could to the wooden bridge leading to where his storeroom was located, dodging the burned wood that was about to collapse on them.

Ruri looked out from her home and was horrified by what happened. Immediately, she ordered, "Jasper! Turquoise! There is no need to guard me! Save the children!"

"Yes!" The two guards ran towards the wooden bridge, but they stopped when they saw a short woman whose name was revealed to be Homura. She had a slim but curvaceous built, short pink hair, sharp red eyes, full lips, and an expressionless face. She wore a lacy pink dress with white fur trim split into three segments starting from below her waist, exposing her thighs and a portion of her buttocks, along with a makeshift undergarment underneath. She also donned a feathered and ruffled pink headpiece and pink thigh-high boots with some feathers on top. Her petrification scar was on her left thigh.

She was about the kneel down and placed the burning torch on the wooden bridge to light it up, but an arrow lodged into it and forcefully knocked it out of her hand, into the water below. With the fire source now gone, Jasper and Turquoise ran past the enemy and went to carry out their orders. The pink-haired woman looked behind and saw Rikona standing quite a distance from her with a bow in her hand, giving off that she was the culprit.

But the doctor didn't stay long, for her goal wasn't to take down the enemy. Strapping the bow to her back, she dashed back into the village looking around for anyone left behind. And true enough, she saw an elderly couple attempting to put out the fire in their home. "Forget about the house!" she urgently shouted. "Evacuate to Chrome's storehouse now!" Thankfully, the two obliged and ran out, evacuating to the said location with the rest of the villagers while she went off to help Ruri.

However, when she returned to the islet where Chrome's storehouse was, she overheard a panicking Ginro telling Senku and Kohaku where Suika went. "What?" gasped the latter while holding the water carbonator. "Suika did what?"

"I tried to stop her." said the blond man. "She said she'll go to the hot springs area on the mountain."

'Something about this wind gives me a bad feeling.' thought Senku grimly as he felt another gust of wind.

"I'll look for her." volunteered Rikona, who took off to the laboratory.

"Careful out there, Doc!" shouted Senku as he watched her leave.

Meanwhile, Suika was inside the melon rind bouncing her way to the hot springs area with the enemies trailing behind. "She is so hard to catch!" shouted one of them.

"Break that girl's leg and see if she can still run!" suggested another.

Suika continued to escape until she had an ominous feeling as the wind blew; and that was proven by a dead squirrel landing in front of her from a tree branch. Even Homura noticed it as she thought, 'This wind... Death.'

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