The Culmination of Two Million Years

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But when they returned after the tournament, boy was the doctor in for a surprise; not only because Gen mysteriously appeared before her.

"Let me get this straight." she said, who was as stupefied as she could ever be when Senku told her everything that happened in the tournament. "In the end, you became the world's first alcoholic scientist to divorce his dying wife and run away with her sister?"

A vein throbbed on the temple of Senku's head. "Don't paint me as someone so lowly!" he sibilated. "There was no other way out, anyway. If I remained as her husband, they'll drink through the night, and Ruri would've gotten worse by the time the antibiotic is done."

"True." agreed the black-haired lass. "Anyway, let's get to work. Thank goodness you brought Kaseki-san with you. I have something for him to do."

And so, with Kohaku bring the wine and vinegar into the laboratory, it was time for the artisan to get to work. It didn't take long for the members of the Kingdom of Science to soon gather at the waterfall where Kaseki assembled a bamboo water carbonator. "What's this?" asked the blonde woman.

"The flowing water is making the bamboo spin around." noted Suika, whose melon rind had been destroyed during the tournament.

"Success on the first attempt!" cheered Kaseki who's partially submerged in the water. "I'm so awesome. The women must be in love with me."

"Good job." commented Senku with a grin. "If I were to do it, I would have failed on the first few attempts."

"Senku, you can fall for me too." said the artisan smugly.

"Well, what does it do?" asked Gen.

"Well, I'm at a loss too." was Kaseki's reply.

"You'll see tomorrow." said Rikona sheepishly.

"I'll stay and watch over it." he volunteered. "If my precious is damaged by the driftwood, I would cry my heart out." As Gen turned around to walk away with Senku and Rikona, he suddenly felt someone holding him back; which turned out to be Kaseki. "Hey! Are you going to let the weak, old man keep watch on his own? You seem free, so come and help me out."

"What?!" exclaimed the mentalist, struggling to break free from the old man's grip. "Cut me some slack, sir!" But he soon came to realise that he should just quietly accept it the moment he ripped off Kaseki's top. "Yes, sir. I'll help you."

"See you later, Kitsune~" sang Rikona in a teasing manner, waving at the sulking boy from far.

"Why is everyone so mean to me?" he whined.

Meanwhile, Suika ran at the front with Kohaku and Senku behind carrying an unconscious Chrome. But without her glasses, the little girl couldn't really see where she was going. Her foot hit a pebble, and she near fell onto the ground; if it weren't for Rikona who managed to catch her in time and then carried her into the laboratory. "I got you." she murmured in a warm tone. Despite her fuzziness, Suika looked up at the woman in awe as she was gently placed onto the ground, next to where Chrome was laid.

"Senku's not a demon, after all." she noted, as her attention was now on the unconscious boy. "He brought Chrome back so we could have our Kingdom of Science here, and he's giving him time to rest after Rikona-nee nurses him back."

If only that was the case. Instead, Senku stuffed two buds soaked in ammonia. That was all it took for the brunette to wake up screaming at the putrid stench.

"Wake up and smell the ammonia." jeered the green-haired man. "Alright. It's time to wake up and help the science team."

"Nevermind, he's a demon." muttered Kohaku, who was just as dumbfounded as Suika.

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