Call from the Dead

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"We're finally here!" cheered Chrome with a fist raised up high. "At the headquarters of the final boss, Tsukasa!"

But the panic look on Gen said otherwise. He quickly shushed the brunette with a finger placed to his lips "Quiet, Chrome-chan." he whispered. "There's someone with a good hearing in the Tsukasa Empire."

That was more than enough to silence the brunette as he stepped back and said, "Oh, my bad! Crap, it'd be bad if we got caught after coming all the way here-" He was suddenly interrupted when he felt something on his head, prompting him to turn around in alarm. Much to his relief, it was only a hand belonging to one of the statues among the large pile. "It's just a statue. Damn. These statues look strong."

"Why is there blood letter on their forehead?" wondered Magma when he took note of the crimson numbers written on the statues.

"It seems to be the order in which they're to be revived." guessed Rikona while surveying them. "What do you think, Kitsune?"

"It wasn't there last time I checked." recalled the said man. "The smallest number is 33, which means that Tsukasa revived 32 people at least. It's faster than expected."

"Even if we try our best to recruit people from the Tsukasa Empire, if he can revive people faster, then our effort will be in vain." said Chrome with a hint of worry.

"That'll be bad news." commented Rikona.

"Why not just destroy these statues?" proposed Magma who stepped forward with his stone axe ready. "No, it's still too bothersome. Let's break their limbs. That way they can't fight anymore."

Gen and Chrome looked at him with uneasiness while Rikona had a blank stare. "You're merciless, Magma." commented the brunette nervously. "Oh wait, he's always been this kind of guy! I guess I'd kinda forgotten since we became allies."

"You sure don't go easy on your enemies, do you?" sighed the doctor. "Seriously... Oh, let's not forget the time he killed Kitsune back then."

But Gen was silent for a few moments before he said, "Well, in all seriousness. If it's a matter of yes or no, breaking them now might be for the best." As if that was enough to cue him, Magma cackled while lunging forward with his axe raised. Rikona glanced at the mentalist who stared at the ground emptily.

All of a sudden, it was at that moment he changed his mind. Gen rushed to the front and halted the brute man in his tracks, keeping his grip firm on his arm wielding the weapon. "Actually, I take that back! 'Cause these guys... They haven't done anything wrong, ya know? At least, aside from any real villains in their number~" His closed-eye smile faltered slightly as he looked down, saying, "Humans can claim to be as realistic as possible, but when you have to do it, you'll still hesitate. That's why the cold-hearted Tsukasa-chan is scary. We have to stop him."

"We're no weak at all." said the determined Chrome, causing the rest to look at him. "We serve a higher purpose. We want a bloodless war. If we can recruit faster than they can increase their army, then everything will be good. So let's get going! Our mission is to get our mobile phone hotline working as soon as possible!" Gen and Rikona smiled at him, agreeing as the team continued to make their way further into the Tsukasa Empire with the mentalist in the lead.

"By the way, Magma, you didn't hesitate to destroy those statues." pointed out the brunette disapprovingly.

"I don't care about the life of strangers." responded the said man bluntly.

"I see." stammered Gen. "Thank goodness Magma-chan is an ally."

"I guess this is one of the rare moments where I think we're pretty lucky." muttered Rikona.

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