Stone Wars Beginning

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"A long, long time ago, out of nowhere, a strange light rained down upon the world." told Gen, placing the light beneath him to create a nice atmosphere for the storytelling session. "The entire world. And that light turned everyone into stone. After that, the world slowly collapsed. The buildings and everything else, all of civilisation, vanished. After humanity had spent millions of years building it. What a shame!

"But there was one man who hadn't given up. Even after he was petrified, he held on to his consciousness. In fact, he kept counting the seconds. The date and time are too precious to forget, he figured. He's absolutely nuts! And that man... was Senku-chan! One summer day, thousands of years after humanity was petrified, Senku-chan awoke all alone. He found himself on an empty, primitive Earth. I probably would've died helplessly on the spot.

"But of course, what is an amazing story without the protagonist's sidekick? Just a few months since he was de-petrified, along came a wonderfully smart heroine whose name is Ri-chan! Senku-chan and Ri-chan are awesome science whizzes. They made their own food, clothes, and shelter, and eventually, they also made the revival fluid!"

The children sitting around him let out sounds of amazement. Among them, a blonde boy gleamed, "Senku and Rikona are awesome!"

"I want to be like Senku, too!" said another boy.

"When I get older, I want to be just like Pretty Doctor!" added one of the girls.

"The kids certainly love them." commented Gen with a closed-eye smile. "Well, then. Let's hear a word from our amazing leader and his righthand woman." Then, with daisies suddenly falling around them from nowhere, Gen extended his hands towards the two who were drawing a blueprint on a piece of animal hide, and shouted, "Senku-chan and Ri-chan!"

But neither were as enthusiastic as the mentalist, as the former merely scoffed, "Sure, whatever. That was absolutely riveting. Your super Stone World foundation story was epic. I'm bawling over here."

It was then Rikona's turn to chime in as she raised a brow at the mentalist and reprimanded, "Also, Kitsune, quit getting sidetracked and put your hands to work."

The said man flinched for a while before sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. "You got me." he chuckled nervously. "I was procrastinating." He then proceeded to continue with the weaving work with the other children. But as soon as the two returned to the blueprint, Gen turned to the children and continued the story, "So, Senku-chan used the revival fluid to bring back this tough and mighty guy named Tsukasa-chan. They ended up in a massive disagreement. So while Tsukasa-chan is all like, "Let's build a new world!" and reviving people to join him, Senku-chan built a Kingdom of Science with Ri-chan on top of this village in order to fight him."

The children were even more bewildered and in awe at this. "We're the Kingdom of Science!" cheered one of them.

"Down with Tsukasa!" jeered one of the boys.

"Although, Senku-chan, Ri-chan..." called the mentalist while glancing at the mobile phone over his shoulder. "We worked so hard on the cell phone so we could execute a preemptive strike on Tsukasa-chan. Shouldn't we get moving? It's going to be spring soon, and they'll come knocking. What are we making next?"

The green-haired scientist let out his signature chuckle before turning around and said, "Yeah, that's why we're going to finish up this super science project item."

"A super item?" repeated Gen with a raised brow.

"We're going to defeat the Tsukasa Empire with agility and speed." added Senku as he stood up with a wooden cup in his hand. "We're making humanity's greatest survival science product - space food!"

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