The Tale That Began It All

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"Ah..." was the first thing Senku said. He finally got the answer to the question that had been bugging him since the day he saw the village. With hands placed on his hips, he said to Ruri, "With your explanation, I finally get it now. If everyone on the planet was petrified, who first made this village? Why do you and Kohaku clearly have foreign blood in you?"

"So I guess all the mysteries are solved, huh?" said Rikona.

"Yeah." he replied.

Chrome and Kohaku let out sharp breaths of air in shock. But, just what mysteries are they talking about? "Hold on." called the latter. "Sorry. You lost me."

"That's right." agreed Chrome, who placed a finger on his chin to ponder. "It's no coincidence that the village's name is the same name as Senku's name. Does it mean that Ruri has known Senku all along?"

The said man let out his signature chuckle, causing the blond woman to look at him in puzzlement. "I probably come up in the stories passed down by the priestess." he explained.

"That's right." was her answer, which certainly caught the two off guard.

"The stories that have been passed down?" repeated Chrome. "Like the one where there is a gorilla in Momotaro?"

"So that explains why they know the stories of the past and the beasts that all of them have never seen." chimed Rikona.

"That's right." affirmed Kohaku. "Ruri-nee told us so many stories. It was passed down by the priestess to the next generation in the Hundred Stories."

Ruri kept her gaze on the wooden floor as she said, "My mom told me a very impactful and yet heartwarming story. The Hundred Stories." She then looked back up at the green-haired man and continued, "The 100th story is called Ishigami Senku."

The said man stared at the carved insignia on the wall before turning around to look at everyone else. "The founder of Ishigami Village is Ishigami Byakuya." he added. "My father."

It all began when six humans were sent to space, with one of them as Byakuya. They were still in space when the petrification happened. They tried contacting someone, or at least get some sort of explanation behind this peculiar phenomenon; all they receive was nothing. They could've waited, but it would be endless. In the end, they landed on a remote island which was where the Ishigami Village started. Unfortunately, faith was truly cruel to them. Death came to them sooner than expected; with two of them succumbed to pneumonia, while another two perished at sea in the attempt to get medical supplies. Another long time passed, and by the time Byakuya finished the Hundred Stories, he experienced another tragedy that left him as the sole survivor along with the children of his fallen comrades.

All was silent when Ruri ended the 100th story. Though it was soon interrupted when Suika innocently said, "It's such a weird story that Suika has no idea what's happening."

"Yes." began Chrome quietly. "Thousands of years ago, all of humanity turned into stone. You know those stone statues we see all over the place? Those are all humans. Only Senku's dad and five others were spared because they were in outer space. All of us in Ishigami Village are their descendants."

"Does that mean we're all Senku's relatives?" asked Kohaku who seemed flustered by that thought.

The said man merely chuckled at this. "Byakuya and I aren't blood-related." he explained. "We're just family by name. On top of that, it has been hundreds of generations. How can I possibly be your relative?"

"Hey!" came Ganen's voice from outside, grabbing everyone's attention to where the banquet was ongoing. "What are you doing up there? This is your day!"

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