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Shivaay POV

Oh god how long this girl will take to get ready. I guess I should check why she is taking so long to get ready.

Shivaay POV ends

Shivaay was just going inside but he stopped on his track seeing Annika in front of him wearing the same dress which he gifted on their anniversary, Shivaay was so lost in her and seeing this Annika chuckled that she had such a deep effect on him.

Reaching near him she coughed to gain his attention.

Annika: Shivaay how am I looking??

Shivaay: ..........

Annika: Shivaay??

After so many tries she screamed his name SHIVAAY!!! Everyone in the parking area started looking at them and he came out from his beautiful dream world.

Shivaay: I am sorry I was zoned out... actually thinking about this resort deal (self patted himself for coming with a valid reason.)

Annika: Oh Really!! But I felt different. Anyways let's go.

Shivaay nodded in yes and soon they left for the construction site but someone called them from back.

Person: Hey Annika!!!

Both of them turned back to find

Both of them turned back to find

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Kabir Arora

Annika: Hi Kabir you here??

Kabir: Ya!! Actually I thought to go to a church but seeing you here I think we should go to a beach.

Annika: What?

Kabir: I mean you are looking so gorgeous in this dress, and you know what today's weather is so nice I think so we should go to the beach?

When Shivaay listened to his words a green eyed monster bit him and now he was ready to pounce on this poor Kabir.

Shivaay:(Clearing his throat) Ahem!!Ahem!!

Both of them look to Shivaay and Annika realizes what is coming now, to avoid the consequences Annika quickly spoke

Annika: Kabir this is Shivaay he is my...

Kabir: Brother?? I mean he is your brother right?? You know you both look so cute I mean cute brother sister.. Haina am I right??

That's it for Shivaay now volcano was going to erupt but Annika was quick in her action and she held Shivaay hand to calm him down and it instantly cooled him down but her hand was successful in controlling her Possessive Singh Oberoi.

Shivaay: Hello Mr. Arora nice to meet you, but I must say your guess was absolutely wrong.(Pulling Annika towards him) She is my wife Mrs. Annika Shivaay Singh Oberoi.

When Kabir heard these words his dil ke armaan broke down and he was very well aware of SSO anger but unfortunately not about his wife.

Kabir: Oh that so I am so sorry Anni..I mean Shivaay bhaiya and Annika bhabhi I guess ...I have to visit church so see you later

SHIVIKA SS:LOVE NEVER GIVES UP...[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now