12. "friends? friends."

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After that kiss with Jacob, it was all I could think about. All day, I thought of him and his lips.

Now it's almost the end of last period and I'm still thinking of him. I was thinking about him so much that I didn't even realize I wasn't paying attention during the whole class until the bell rang. People quickly grabbed there stuff and started walking out of the classroom. I watched them for a couple seconds before shuffling to grab my stuff.

I grabbed all my papers, well I tried. But before I knew it, all my stuff was falling out of my hands. My papers scattered all across the floor. I cursed under my breath as I got on my knees and started grabbing all my loose papers and notebooks.

I saw feet approach and someone bend down and help gather my stuff. I looked up, surprised to see Tony. He was gathering some of my science worksheets together. He helped gather the rest of my stuff and stood up just as I stood up.

He handed the papers to me. "Here."

"Thanks." I replied quietly while taking the sheets from his hands. I cleared my throat and turned towards my bag, where I started putting them back in there correct binders and folders.

I felt him move closer to me. "You need help with that?" He asked, standing right next to me now.

I stopped what I was doing and backed away, facing towards him. "No." I stated firmly. "I do not need help."

He put his hands up in defense. "Okay, I was just offering."

I turned back to my binder and started putting the papers in it again. "Listen." He started. "I know you think I'm a bad person, and I admit that we started off on the wrong foot. But I'm sorry."

I looked back up at him, shock written across my face. "Did you just apologize?" I asked, you could hear the disbelief in my voice loud and clear.

He nodded his head. "I just feel bad about how we started off. I'm sorry. Do you forgive me?"

I thought about it for a couple seconds. I sighed and looked into his eyes to see any sign of mischief. When I didn't I spoke. "Ok, I forgive you."

He smiled and held out his large hand. "Friends?" He asked me with hopefulness in his eyes.

I contemplated it for a moment before placing my much smaller hand in his hand. "Friends." I said as I shook his soft, yet rough, hand.

"Now," he started and turned towards my open binder and papers scattered all over the desk. "do you need help with this mess?" He asked as he chuckled.

I sighed. "Yes please."


I got to my house and went up to my room. I laid down on my bed and sighed. Today has been hectic.

My kiss with Jacob, Tony apologizing, my date with-MY DATE WITH ALEX! Oh my god! I looked over at my alarm clock; it read 7:40 PM.

I got up quickly and rushed to the bathroom. I took my clothes off and hopped in the shower. I quickly washed my hair and just poured about half of the bottle of body wash over my body.

I quickly got out of the shower and dried off as fast as I could. I ran into my room and opened my closet as I looked behind me to see that it was now 7:47. I turned back around to my closet and started searching through my clothes.

I pulled out a purple button up shirt, black skinny jeans, and my black vans. I was about to check the time again when the doorbell rang. I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket before slipping out of my room and running downstairs.

I got to the bottom of the steps to see my mom about to answer the door.

...Oh no...

She grabbed the door handle and pulled the door open before I could even get to her. "Go away! No one wants you here!" She yelled in to Alex's face.

"Mom!" I shrieked as I pulled her away from the door. I looked at Alex, who currently had wide and surprised eyes. "I'll just be a second. Just come in and wait." He walked into the house and I dragged my mom to the kitchen.

Once we were a little bit away from Alex, I turned to my mom. "I don't like him!" She said immediately before I even got a chance to open my mouth. "Make him leave." She said stubbornly as she stomped her foot against the ground.

"Mom!" I shrieked again. "Stop it! You're being rude, and besides it's only one date. If things don't work out then I probably won't go out with him again. But I at least have to give him a chance."

Her eyebrows knitted together and her face turned red from anger. She was acting like a 5 year old. "No you don't!" She yelled.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I replied before walking out of the kitchen and to the front door, Alex was standing in the entrance way. When he saw me he started opening the door. I yelled back behind myself to my mom. "I'll be back by 11."

"Nope. You have to be home by 10 or else I'm locking the door!" She yelled back.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "I'll be home by 11." I said again, knowing that she wouldn't actually lock me out.

Would she?


Alex closed the door behind himself, following behind me. He took my hand in his and walked me towards his truck. We finally got to his truck and he opened the passengers door before speaking.

"You know, just because you walk into a different room doesn't mean I can't hear your conversation."



But I still don't know who I ship more.




And do you think Tony is up to something or do you think he's just being nice? And if you think he's flirting with Tim...


What would their ship name be though? Tonothy? Timony? Tonimothy? Timothony? Timitony?

There's so many it could be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hehe...Timony...Jimony...JIMONY CRICKET!





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