25. "look, you're my best friend"

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I heard talking around me, it was very hushed so I couldn't understand it. I could feel that I was laying on a bed but it was a weird kind of bed, it wasn't like my bed at home, it felt cold. I could see light behind my closed eyelids.

I slowly started to open them but the light was blinding me. It was so bright it hurt my head. I could barely even get them open a sliver before I hissed and shut them back tight.

I heard someone rush over to me. "What's wrong?" The person asked with a very familiar voice.

I pointed upwards to where the light was. "The light." I told the person.

They disappeared from my side for a second before turning the light.

"You can open your eyes now." The voice said as it started getting closer to me.

I slowly opened my eyes to see the lights were off and now the only thing keeping the room lit up was the open window.

I blinked a couple times before looking around and realizing I'm in a hospital.

Why am I here?

"You slipped on water in your bathroom." I looked over to see that the previous voice had been my doctor, Dr. Ware. "You hit your head on the ground and blacked out." She told me.

My eyes widened, I don't remember any of that. "How long have I been out?" I asked.

"Since yesterday morning, so about 30 hours."

My mouth flew open. "What time is it?" I asked.

She looked at her watch. "Mmmmm, it is 13:37."

I looked at her confused. "What?"

She looked at me for a second before understand why I was confused. "Sorry, 1:37 PM. I'm used to military time."

I nodded my head before trying to sit up but before I could she ran over to me. She gently started to push me back down as she spoke. "You can't get up, you hit you're head too hard and we don't want to risk you passing out from being light-heated."

I laid back down and looked around again before a question came to my mind. "How did I get here?" I asked Dr. Ware.

"Your friend brought you here." She said, and I was about to ask her who when she spoke. "He said his name was...Jake?"

I was confused for a moment before realizing she meant Jacob. Instead of correcting her, I just decided to give a nod of my head.

She checked a couple things on me before leaving the room.

I looked out the window but heard the door open no sooner than I had looked away. Before I could turn around, I felt someone run up to me and hug me, tightly.

I smelled vanilla. "Hey Kaitlyn." I said.

She pulled back and looked me in the eyes. "Thank goodness you're okay! I was so worried!!!" She practically screamed, causing me to wince. "Sorry..." She whispered.

I smiled at her. "Why're you here?" I asked in confusion.

"We were supposed to hang out yesterday, remember?" She responded before continuing. "I came to your house only to find Jacob stuffing you into his car. I was super confused. But he explained everything and then I came here. I've been here since yesterday."

My eyes widened. "You didn't have to do that."

"I know I didn't have to," she said before smiling. "I wanted to."

I smiled back. "Thank you."

She smiled before slowly turning sad and looking down. I was about to ask what was wrong when she spoke. "I'm sorry." She said suddenly.

"Sorry for what?" I asked, super confused as to what she could be talking about.

She sighed. "I haven't really been the greatest friend lately." She sighed again and stood up off the bed. "I haven't been there for you lately, I've been selfish and have put myself before you. Hell, I practically forced you to go on a date with Alex, and we all saw how that turned out." She turned away from me.

I shook my head even though she couldn't see me. "You didn't force me to go on that..." She cut me off before I could finish my sentence.

"Yeah I did. I made it seem as if I wouldn't be your friend anymore, or that I would be disappointed in you if you hadn't had gone on the date. But that's not the truth at all." She turned towards me and I could see her eyes were watering. "I'm a terrible friend, you're in a hospital bed because of me." She whispered.

"This isn't your fault." I told her. "I could've just as easily turned him down the first time he asked me out and this still probably would've happened."

She looked doubtful so I tried convincing her further. "Look, you're my best friend, and I don't want our friendship to get destroyed because of some stupid guy and his anger issues." She laughed lightly.

She was quiet for a moment before a giant smile broke out on her face. "Am I really your best friend?" She asked author excitement.

I laughed. "Definitely." I responded.

She nodded her head, a giant grin still plastered on her face. "Yay!" She exclaimed a little too loudly for my head, but I let it slide because I didn't want to ruin the moment. "Or should I say, 'gay'?" She said while chuckling like an evil maniac.

I smiled at her. "You're stupid."

She jokingly glared at me. "You're stupid!"

We both smiled and started laughing at each other. She came back to the bed and sat down.

We sat in a moment of silence before it was interrupted by her saying something that I did not expect her to say.

"You're right, I don't want our friendship to be ruined by some stupid guy...

That's why I turned him down when he asked me out."


Hey guys, happy (sorta late) Valentine's Day!!!

I hope you all had a good one and I'm sorry that this chapter was so short, and didn't have any Jacob in it at all, and there was no romanticism.

But I think that this is a really cute friend chapter, that could also be sorta be seen as Valentine's-y, like best friend love.







But I just gotta play it cool...


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