16. "thats for turning me down"

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Tomorrow Jacob and Tony can come back to school.

Surprisingly, Jacob is happy to be coming back to school. I haven't talked to him much since our little argument last week. He's texted me, but I haven't responded. That's how I knew he was excited to come back to school tomorrow, he texted me.

Now, Tony on the other hand isn't that happy at me. He said that he didn't want to go back to school and that he just didn't want to have to go anymore. He was happy to be expelled.

And I don't know if he's mad at me now for getting him unexpelled. I hope he's not, I liked having him as a friend.

I walked into homeroom and walked towards my desk. I was almost to it when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to come face-to-face with Alex. I smiled at him but he didn't smile back.

Next thing I know, I'm on the ground with a face full of whip cream. It took me a second to gather myself together, but once I did I wiped the whip cream away from my eyes and looked up at Alex.

He had an angry look in his eyes. "That's for turning me down!" He yelled in my face before turning around to his group of friends and giving them all high-fives.

I looked around the room to see if anyone else noticed. Everyone was watching me. Of course they noticed. I got up just as people started to laugh one-by-one. I ran to the door and out of the room.

I rushed down the hall, pushing people out of my way as I ran. I made it to the bathroom and ran inside, locking the door as soon as it shut. I took a deep breath as I stopped the tears that were rushing down my face.

I pushed away from the door and walked over to the sink. I ran the water and washed the whip cream off my face as more tears started pouring out of my eyes. After getting all the whip cream off, I turned the water off and looked at my reflection.

I checked to make sure I got all the whip cream off of me before walking out of the bathroom as the end of homeroom bell rang. People started flooding the hallway, and headed to first period.

I didn't feel like going to classes now, especially after the embarrassment from this morning. So I closes the bathroom door again and waited till the late bell rang. I sat in the bathroom for one more minute before opening the door slightly and checking the halls to see if anyone was wandering around. Once I didn't see anybody in the halls, I exited the bathroom and ran to one of the exit doors.

Once I was outside, I got into my car and sat there for a minute... Before breaking down.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!? I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm totally going to get caught then this is going to go on my permanent record and then I'll never get into college.

Ok, ok... Tim, you just need to calm down. You'll be fine... But you should probably leave the school grounds quickly.

I finished my mental conversation with myself before starting my car and driving out of the school parking lot. I started down the road while thinking of places to go. I couldn't go home because my mom might be there since it's her day off.

I guess I could go to Jacob's house. But I don't have his address and he won't give it to me. Maybe I should just text him to meet me somewhere.

I reached over to the passenger seat where I laid my phone. But just as I was about to grab it, the light that I was approaching suddenly turned red and I hit the breaks. Causing my phone to fall off the seat.

My car came to a stop, in barely just enough time. I took a big breath and decided that I will pull over in a parking lot to text.


I texted Jacob and asked if he could meet me somewhere. I was currently in the parking lot of Burger King, sitting in my car, waiting for a response from Jacob.

I honestly think we need to talk since we didn't really end our conversation on a good foot, and I don't like drama that much. Plus, I wanna know what that kiss was about.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when my phone went off.

Jacob: Meet me at Burker King.

He replied as I lightly chuckled to myself before typing away.

Haha, I'm already here.

It wasn't even a second before I got a response.

Jacob: Where?

I'm in the parking lot in my car.

I locked my phone and put it down as I waited for another response. I was about to turn on the radio when suddenly the passenger door opened and Jacob got in the car with a bag of food.

He laid the bag on the dashboard. And before I could even say anything, he turned towards me, grabbed my face, and brought his lips to mine.

I gasped in surprise as he roughly made out with me. He started moving my lips causing mine to move from the powerful force of his.

He bit my bottom lip, thinking I would moan or gasp but I knew his ways by now so I didn't open my mouth at all.

He opened his eyes and back away from me. "Well you're no fun." He said in a teasing voice, with that annoying smirk on his face.

"I want to talk." I said.

He opened his bag of food and grabbed out a burger. He laid it in his lap and reached back in the bag and pulling out a box of chicken nuggets.

He handed the box over to me. I grabbed it and looked back up at him. "How did you know I like chicken nuggets?" I asked, confused as to how he knew to get me chicken nuggets instead of a burger.

"Well," he started before taking a bite into his burger which he had unwrapped while I was talking. "I noticed that at school whenever they served burgers and chicken nuggets, you always got chicken nuggets. That, and your phone case is a bunch of nuggets."

I looked down at my phone to see my case with the design of chicken nuggets on it. I do love me some chicken nuggets. "Oh..." Was all I said before opening the box of nuggets and biting into one of the masterpieces.

"Anyway, you wanted to talk?" He asked.

"Yeah." I replied as I finished swallowing the first chicken nugget of the box.

"What about?" He asked me while talking another but of his burger.

I looked down at my hands as I said the next sentence.

"I want to talk about the kiss we had yesterday."


I know it's short and kinda shitty and I'm sorry. But I realized that I needed to update but I also needed to type a whole chapter. So I pretty much typed this chapter in like thirty minutes to an hour.

But the next chapter will be HOT!!! Trust me.

I also realized that I technically wrote like three whole chapters about chicken nuggets. And now I'm hungry for some...





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