13. "brain freeze!"

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The drive was only a couple minutes before we ended up at a restaurant. This restaurant was huge and bright. There was a long line of people outside of the restaurant. It must take months to get a reservation at this place. We parked in the front of the restaurant and got out. Alex gave the keys to the valet and started towards the line of people.

Thinking that he was going to stop and get in the back of line, I started to slow down. But he didn't slow his pace at all. Soon, he was walking past all the people in the line, with me awkwardly catching up to follow behind him.

"Umm...there's a line..." I whispered awkwardly from behind him.

"I know." He said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"So...why are we walking past it?"

He didn't stop as he spoke, just turned his head to see over his shoulder at me. "My family owns this restaurant and nine more around the world. They're very high class and it takes months just to get a reservation."

I gaped my mouth open. "Oh." That was all I could say. I mean, what am I supposed to say?

We got inside and the decor was amazing. The walls were a beautiful maroon color. The floor was wood but it was shiny and waxed. The ceiling was made of glass, with chandeliers hanging all over it. I was drawn back to reality when Alex grabbed my hand and dragged me along to our seat.

We were following behind a waiter dressed up in a suit and a bow-tie. Along the way we passed many tables with people that were completely dressed up. Suddenly I was feeling a little embarrassed at my choice of clothing.

Eventually we reached a velvet rope. The waiter unclipped the rope from the stand and walked into the dimly lit area. There was only a couple tables and only one of them actually had people at it. I guess this was the "V.I.P." section.

The waiter stopped. Our table was small, round, and had a red cloth like material atop of it. Alex pulled out my chair. "After you." He said.

I smiled shyly and walked towards the seat before sitting down. I felt the cloth as I sat down, silky. Alex walked over to his chair, across from me and sat down.

He smiled at me and I smiled back. I looked around the place one more time before a thought struck my head. "Why do you go to public school?" He looked at me, confused. "I mean, your parents are rich, why do you go to public school? And why don't you act or look like you're rich?"

He smiled before he spoke. "I don't want to be known as a snobby rich kid. I want to be known as a normal, average teenager. If I were to be going to private school, I would be lonely and looked at as a rich kid and...I would've never met you." I blushed as he said the last part with a smile. "And I don't want to act or look rich because then I'll eventually turn into a snobby rich kid." He smiled at the table and then looked at me.

"I want to be a normal teenager." He said as he reached across the table and grabbed my hand.


We already ate dinner, laughing and joking around the whole time. Now we were having desert.

The waiter brought our desert to the table. It was in a little bowl. He laid the bowl down and I saw a banana upon scoops of vanilla ice cream. There was chocolate syrup on top of the banana, spilling off onto the ice cream. There was also what appeared to be some nuts in it.

"Wow." I said. "It looks so elegant. What is this called?" I asked while looking up at him.

He chuckled. "It's called a banana split."

"Oh..." I trailed off, my cheeks flaring up from embarrassment.

He chuckled again. "You're cute." He smiled at me, his dimple on his cheek showing.

I stared at his dimple for a second before looking away, blushing harder than before. "T-Thanks." I stuttered out.

He took a spoonful of the banana split and ate it. He moaned and leaned back. He sat forward and dipped his spoon in again. "Try." He said as he held the spoon towards my mouth. I opened my mouth and he put the spoon in.

As soon as the spoon touched my tongue, my taste buds went flaring. The sweet and chocolaty taste mixed with banana spread into my mouth. It ran off my tongue and down my throat.

He took the spoon out of my mouth. "So?" He asked. "Did you like it?"

I smiled at him when I finished swallowing it. "Yes. It was really good." And I wasn't lying. That was honestly the best banana split I'd ever had. I need more!

I grabbed my spoon and dug it into the bowl. Getting a huge scoop of ice cream and shoving it into my mouth. I moaned and pulled the spoon out of my mouth while I chewed the banana mixed with ice cream.

I guess I put too much in, because suddenly my head was hurting. I yelled and Alex looked at me confused. "Brain freeze!" He stared at me for a couple seconds before breaking out in laughter.


After desert and that horrible brain freeze, Alex drove me home.

We pulled up in front of my house and I looked over at him. "Thanks. For taking me out on this date, I mean." I said while smiling at him.

He smiled back at me. "No problem." I could see his dimple right next to his mouth again. Without even thinking, I reached my hand out and ran my thumb over his dimple. He smiled wider.

We stared into each others eyes and I got lost in the ocean of blue. I was captivated by the vibrant and beautiful color of them. How, when you just look in them, you get trapped.

I was so entranced that I didn't even realize that he moved towards me, as I did towards him, until I looked down at his lips. He put his hands on both sides of my face and brought my face closer to his.

Our lips grazed against each others lightly. And we were about to completely place them together... When suddenly we heard a bang on my window.

I jumped and banged my head against his. He yelled in pain as he grabbed his head. I turned around to see my mom standing outside the truck. "Don't you dare put your lips against his, you filthy loser!" She yelled through the window, looking back and forth between me and Alex.

"Mom!" I shrieked. "Don't call Alex a filthy loser!"

She looked at me now. "I wasn't! I was calling you a filthy loser!"

I gasped as she turned around and went into the house, but not before turning around and yelling out. "You better be inside in five minutes or I'm locking the door!"

I sighed and rolled my eyes. I turned back to Alex, who was rubbing his head. "I'm sorry." I apologized. "About everything that just happened."

He stopped rubbing his head and looked at me. He smiled that smile that showed off his dimple. "It's fine." I smiled and got out of the truck. I was about to shut the door when Alex called my name. I turned around and looked at him as he smiled while speaking.

"I'm not sorry. I got to feel your lips against mine, even if it was only for a second."


Awwwwwwweeeee!!!!! I hope you guys liked this chapter, I'm sorry it was so short.

I didn't even realize how short it was until I finished typing it... But I like it as it is, so whatever.





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