4. "there's also another thing that i'd love to see between your lips"

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I waited patiently, hanging over his shoulder as he dragged me outside. That's when I started to freak out. Is he kidnapping me? Wait, I'm ditching school? Oh god, this is going to go on my permanent record and I won't be able to get into Harvard. My life is over!!! Hold on, I don't even want to go to Harvard, what am I talking about? But this is still going to go on my permanent record!

I was brought back to life when I was thrown into a car. I blinked as the door shut before I looked around frantically. I was in Jacob's car, which you probably guessed...but I felt like telling anyway.

He walked around the car and got into his side. He looked so calm as he looked over at me and smiled...that's when I frantically started freaking out. "Let me out! I'm going to die! I'm being kidnapped! Help! HELP!!!" I yelled as my body flopped around in the seat.

I kept trying to open the door but he locked it and I didn't know how to unlock it. Is this childproof? Or am I just freaking out too bad? Or am I just stupid? Eh, it's one of those three, or maybe all three, or maybe just two. Okay, I'm getting off topic.

Now, where was I? Oh yeah, seizure. I kept flailing around for about five seconds, until he grabbed me by my arms and held me down to the seat. I didn't even realize that he leaned over the space between us until he held me down.

"Hey babe, calm down." He said to me and for some reason, I listened. "Babe, it's okay." He reassured me quietly and surprisingly, his words calmed me down. He let me go and leaned back over to the drivers seat.

"I never agreed to me being your boyfriend." I told him suddenly. "You didn't even ask me." I said.

"Okay," He said as soon as I stopped talking. "will you be my boyfriend?" He asked me.

My eyes widened as I stared at him, processing what he just had said. "What?" I asked him.

He just looked at me with a straight face. "You said that you weren't my boyfriend since I hadn't asked you. Well, now I have. So, will you be my boyfriend?"

I blinked, still in shock before talking. "No, you do bad stuff. You do drugs and you drink and smoke and...other bad stuff." I said, running out of bad things.

He chuckled before stopping and smirking. "Babe, just because I do it doesn't mean you'll have to do it. I'll just do it around you, you don't have to do it." He told me, but I just looked at him like he was stupid.

"Second hand smoke!" I yelled which had him rolling his eyes.

"Babe-" He started off but I stopped him.

"Don't call me that!" I yelled at him.

He smirked. "Fine. Baby," I let out a breath of annoyance as his smirk grew bigger before he finished talking. "I'm not going to blow my smoke into your mouth, even though I would love to see your sexy lips blowing out smoke that was in my mouth." He finished, looking down at my lips with lustful eyes. He smirked as he stared before speaking again. "There's also another thing that I'd love to see between your lips."

I gapped my mouth open in shock. That just made his eyes grow even more dark, causing me to quickly shut my mouth. I blushed when his eyes still didn't leave my mouth.

"Look, can you just please let-" I couldn't even finish my sentence before he crawled over the middle and pushed my back against the car door. Before I could even react, he slammed his lips down on mine, causing our teeth to tap against each other.

He started moving his lips against mine but when I didn't budge, he grabbed my member through my jeans, which was surprisingly excited, I let out a gasp and his tongue dove into my mouth. I was just so in the moment that I actually started moving my lips with his. I could practically feel his surprisingly minty breath, considering all the cigarettes he smoked, mix with my breath. He started rubbing his hand up and down my entrapped erection that I couldn't help but moan.

His tongue danced with mine before it drifted off to meet another member of my mouth. He ran his tongue across my teeth, my gums, everywhere, and I loved it. I didn't want him to stop. But eventually, we both ran out of breath.

He pulled back and took a deep breath as did I, before leaning his forehead against mine. He looked deeply into my eyes. "Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked again, out of breath.

But I couldn't answer, the actions that we just did passed through my mind and made me feel sick. I just made out with a person who does every kind of drug there is.

So, I did what I do when I'm panicked. I reached my leg across and pressed the unlock button and opened my door before he could lock it again. I fell out and onto my back, on the concrete. I heard something crack and groaned but I quickly pushed it off to the side and stood up. I started running but not before hearing a car door open and Jacob calling my name. I freaked out and started running faster.

I got to my car and fished my keys out of my pocket. Unlocking the door, I opened it and got in. I put the keys in the ignition and started up the car before starting to pull away. As soon as I started the car, Jacob ran in front of the car and put his hands on the hood. I screamed loudly while bringing the car to a halt.

He walked to my door so I just locked them. He pulled a hanger out and started putting it in my car window. "Why do you have a hanger?!" I yelled super confused, hoping he would hear me through the window.

He looked at me. "I carry it around with my for emergencies. If I ever need to break in to somewhere." He replied casually before turning back to the window.

Oh. Oh! OH!?!? Finally realizing what he was doing I crawled to the other side of the car and unlocked the passenger side door. I heard another click come from the drivers door and I knew he got it. I quickly opened the door and was about to run when something grabbed my foot.

I looked back to see a hand latched on my foot, Jacob's hand. He was lying across the driver and passenger seat as he kept a tight hold on my right foot.

Wait, hold up! We are in a freaking school parking lot. WHY IS NO ONE NOTICING THIS?!? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!!! Aren't there cameras or something?

Before I could finish my rant in my head, I felt two arms wrap around my body. How did I not notice him getting out of the car and grabbing me? Stupid thoughts! I hate thinking!

He picked me up and carried me back to his car. He, once again, threw me into the passenger side as he went and got in the drivers.

He got in and looked at me while smirking.

"That was fun."


Hey my Narnians'!!!

I don't even know why I typed this chapter, but I know I had fun doing it. Sorry, it's so boring. The next chapter will be much better.




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