7. "you're just...beautiful"

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We spent the whole day at the fair, just enjoying each other's company. And I had a lot of fun. It was honestly the most fun I've had in...okay, it was honestly the most fun I've ever had. And he's so funny. And sweet. And caring. And...everything that's perfect. God, I'm whipped.

We were now heading to his car and dying of laughter. "I can't believe you squirted the guy who was working the game." I laughed out.

"Well, he looked like a douche." He said, while laughing too.

"What do you mean? You're the one that sprayed him, you're obviously the douche in this situation." I stated while laughing harder.

"True." He nodded his head, agreeing with me.

We got into his car and our laughter died down. I looked over at Jacob, waiting for him to start the car. But he wasn't even putting the keys in yet, he was just staring at me. "What?" I asked, feeling insecure all of a sudden.

"Nothing." He said, shaking his head. "You're just...beautiful."

I blushed and looked down at my lap. "T-Thanks." I replied.

After a couple seconds of silence, I looked up to see him still staring. He started moving closer to me. I could see him moving closer and I wanted to and knew I should stop him, but I couldn't for some reason.

His lips were only a couple inches away from mine...when suddenly the car alarm went off. We both jumped and he reached down behind him and grabbed the keys from his back pocket.

I calmed my racing heart down as he put the keys into the ignition. He started up the car and we drove out of the parking lot.


I walked up the steps to my house and put the key in the door handle.

The car ride home was sort of awkward. I just sat and stared out the window the whole time as he stared straight ahead at the road. He didn't try hitting on me or anything, we didn't even talk. It was honestly one of the most awkward situations I've ever been in.

I walked inside my house and leaned against the door. Suddenly a flying pillow collided with my head. I looked up to see my mom running at me. "Get out of my house, robber." She started swinging her arms at me and I just yelped and ducked to the floor.

"Mom!" I yelled. "Mom, it's me! It's Tim!" She stopped swinging her arms and looked down at me.

"What are you doing home so late, young mister?!" She yelled at me.

"Who says young mister anymore?" I asked her.

"I do!" She yelled at me. "And you never answered my question. Why are home late?" She asked, crossing her arms and giving me a stern look.

I scratched the back of my neck. "I...ummm...I was on a...date with...Jacob..." I trailed off.

I looked up at her, expecting her to be mad. But nope, her eyes starting filling with glee and she placed her hands above her heart. "Awwwe, that's so cute!" She announced with a big smile on her face. "It's ok, if you're on a date you can be as late as you want." She said as she started to turn around but stopped and turned back to me. "But no sex. And if you do have sex, make sure he's wearing protection."

I blushed in embarrassment as I looked at her. "How do you know that I won't be the one...ya know...going in him?" I asked her awkwardly, my cheeks getting even more red as I spoke.

She blinked once before she broke out into a laughing fit. "Oh, you're funny!" She said before turning around and going up the stairs, still laughing.

"You never know!" I yelled up the stairs to her.

A second later and I heard her respond. "Trust me honey, I do."

I blushed even harder before going upstairs and to bed.


Me and Jacob walked into the school building and headed towards my locker, laughing and joking around along the way. Once we got there, I opened it and switched out my books. "I'll be right back." He said to me. "I got to go to the bathroom." He said before turning around and walking towards the bathroom.

As soon as he was out of sight, I felt two hands grab my waist. I jumped before turning around and pushing whoever it was away. I looked up to meet the face of...Tony Dawson. There was a bruise on his chin, probably from Jacob's punch. He started walking towards me, with a smirk on his face. "Someone's a little jumpy."

"Get away from me!" I hissed through clenched teeth. "Jacob is going to be back any second. And if you leave now, I won't tell him that you were ever here. Just leave!"

"I can see why Jacob chose you." He said, suddenly. "You're short which is super cute. You're feisty which is super sexy. And you got a good ass which I wouldn't mind digging into, if you know what I mean." He said to me and even added a wink at the end. "I'll see you around, shorty." He winked again before walking away.

I stood there for a couple seconds just staring after him. Should I tell Jacob he approached me? I mean, I don't want to seem like a wuss or like I can't take care of myself. Okay, I won't tell him about this, but if he approaches me again then I'll tell him.


We walked into the cafeteria and sat down at our usual table. Jesse came in soon after us and came up to the table but didn't sit down. "Do any of you know where Carter is? He's been avoiding me all day." We all looked up at Jesse as he spoke.

"Why is he avoiding you?" I asked.

He looked at me. "I don't know." He said after a second but you could clearly see he was lying. "Look, if any of you see him, will you tell me?"

We all nodded and gave different responses. He left the cafeteria quickly, going to look for Carter some more.

As soon as he left, Jacob said,

"Man, he's whipped."


Hey peeps!!!

I hope you all liked this chapter. Don't you think Jesse and Carter are cute? I'm thinking about writing them their own book after I finish this one.

Please leave a comment, or message me if you would like a spin-off for Jesse and Carter.




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