33. "you're my addiction."

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"I can't believe that we're officially going to be done with school in just a few hours." Jacob said.

"Well...high school." I added.

"Not for me." He said. "I'm not going to graduate from high school just to go to college and have to do more school, and have to pay for it! I think the whole idea of college is stupid."

I sighed. "I don't. I think it'll train you to do better in what you want your career to be." I looked over at him and gave a soft smile. "It'll help you in the future."

"You're not changing my mind." He replied with an eye roll.

"I'm not trying to change your mind, I just want you to think about it. Maybe look into it a little and realize that there are better ways to live than selling drugs."

"...so you're trying to change my mind." He said with a lift chuckle.

I sighed again but gave him a small smile. "No, just trying to introduce you to more options."

He gave me a smile back. "I know babe, and I'm very thankful. But I'm good with what I'm doing right now." He wrapped his arms around me and I wrapped mine around him.

I'm worried. In worried about his future. He can't just sell drugs forever. He's eventually going to get caught by the authorities and arrested.

And when I think about his future, I think about my future. I don't really know what I'm going to do. I haven't really put much thought into it,even though I should've thought about it more. I haven't even applied for any colleges.

Plus how would I even pay for college? My mom won't be able to pay tuition, and neither will I. She works as a nurse and always does overtime just to help pay rent.

Then thinking about that makes me think about...mine and Jacob's future...together.

Will we even have a future together?

I want to have a future with him, but I don't want to get married to a drug dealer. If he ever gets caught, won't I be arrested to for knowing that he was selling drugs? I mean, I'm not sure how the whole system and stuff works but I'm pretty sure that because I knew and I'll be married to him I'll get arrested.

I'm just worried about our future.

"Timothy!" Jacob shouted, causing me to come out of my thoughts and back down to earth. I looked over at him and he was looking at me with worry.

"Are you okay? I was calling your name for like two minutes."

I shook my head to dismiss his question. "Sorry, I was just thinking..."

He stared at me for a few seconds before speaking again. "About graduation?"

I looked at him for a moment. I want to talk to him but I don't think I should tell him. He probably wouldn't even take my advice, he's made that very clear before and not only about the drug selling. I shook my head again. "It was nothing."

He opened his mouth to talk again but was interrupted by my mom calling us. "Boys! Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah! We'll be right down!" I shouted back.

I got up off my bed and held my hand out for Jacob. He put his much larger hand in mine. I helped him stand up, which actually just almost ended up with me falling down, and then we went downstairs and to my moms car.

My mom really wanted to drive us to graduation because she wanted it to be our "special day". So I agreed and am very thankful that she wants to make this day as great as she can for the both of us.

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