10. "i'm sorry for coming on too strong"

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Me and Alex spent the whole day together. It was amazing. He kept complimenting me and making me blush. He took me out for ice cream and we went to a park and just joked around. But it was amazing.

He made me forget about how bad I was hurting because of Jacob. He made me forget all about Jacob. He made me feel better. Now, it's Tuesday morning and I'm walking into school. As soon as I walked inside someone called my name and I looked over to see Alex approaching me.

I smiled at him. "Hi." I said to him as he caught up to me.

"Hey!" He smiled at me while trying to catch his breath since he ran to me.

I smiled, amused at him. "Are you okay?" I asked.

He stood up and chuckled with his hand on his stomach. "Yeah, I'm fine. I run for football like everyday." He smiled at me and I started to head towards my locker, him following closely behind me. "Anyway, I had a question."

We got to my locker and I stopped and started putting in my combination, expecting him to continue talking but he didn't. I opened my locker and peaked up at him to see him staring at me. "What's your question?"

He blinked and then smiled. "Sorry, I got distracted by your cuteness for a second there." As soon as those words left his lips I started blushing. I looked back inside to hide my face. He laughed lightly. "And I wanted to ask if you maybe wanted to go on a date this Friday?"

I looked up at him in surprise. I mean, he's asking me out on a date! ME!!! "Ummmm...uhhh" The words were caught in my throat. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get them out. "I-I-you-date-"

He chuckled. "It's ok. I'll let you think it over." He started walking away. "Tell me your answer when you decide."

I watched as he walked away. I was about to turn back around to my locker when suddenly it slammed shut. I jumped and turned around quickly to meet the face of Tony Dawson. "Hey sexy." He said and started to walk towards me. The homeroom bell rang and people started making their way to homeroom.

While I was caught up in my thoughts and everyone else around me walking away, I didn't notice Tony move and trap me between him and the lockers. "Please leave me alone." I begged him, my voice shaky.

"Now I see why people like you so much." He said while moving his head towards mine. "You're vulnerable." His lips were about to touch mine when his body was jerked off mine.

I let out the breath that I was holding in. I heard punching and groaning sounds. The sounds soon faded and I heard footsteps running away. I felt a presence near me and I looked up in fear of it being Tony, but it wasn't.

It was him.

He grabbed my chin lightly and turned my head in all directions. "Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" He asked me, worriedly.

I just turned away and started walking down the hallway. I mean, I was thankful. But he hurt my feelings, and that's not cool!

Before I could even walk one step though, he grabbed my wrist. "Hey!" I turned and glared at him.

"What do you want?" I asked coldly.

He looked taken back by the tone of my voice, I was too. He sighed. "Look, I'm sorry for coming on too strong." My eyes widened, surprised that he was apologizing. "You were right. You are right. I'm rude and I don't care about what other people think.." He paused and took a breath. "And...I'm a bad influence. I do a lot of bad things, but...I would never force you or try to persuade you to do any drugs or anything. Because I care about what you think and only what you think. I don't care about anyone else but you."

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