19. "i want you to date me and i'm not taking no for an answer"

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I stared in Jacob's eyes as he stared deeply into mine.

"I want you to date me and I'm not taking no for an answer." He said to me.

I took a deep breath before looking into his eyes. "I want answers and I'm not saying yes until I get them." I stated back, firmly.

He exhaled and slid off me and back over to his seat. "Ask me questions." He said after he was seated comfortably.

"Ummm..." I said, trying to think of questions. But I was honestly so surprised that he was going to answer my questions that I couldnt think of any. "Ummm..."

"Are you gonna ask me something or not?" He asked.

"Yes! Just give me a sec to think of something." I thought for a moment before turning towards him and situating my self in the seat to where I was sitting Indian style and facing him. He must've thought the way that I was sitting was funny or something because he looked at how I was sitting, smirked a little and then looked down. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He said as he looked back up to me with a smirk still on his face.

" Are you like making fun of me? Do you think the way I'm sitting is funny or weird?" I asked him, all sassy like. Don't make fun of me, I will get sassy.

"No, you don't look funny." He said, his smirk turning into a smile. "I think it's cute how you're sitting." He said.

I started blushing while he kept speaking. "It just proves how tiny you are. And tiny people are adorable. So that makes you adorable. Not to add on your amazing personality. And how sassy and sarcastic you are. I love it. I-"

"Okay, I get it! I'm adorable!" I yelled, cutting him off since my face was probably as red as a tomato. "Now, let me ask my questions." I said, trying to take my mind away from the stuff that Jacob was saying.

Jacob sat back and put his arms behind his head. "Ask away."

I stared at him before asking my first question. "Who was that girl in the mall?" I asked.

I saw something flash through his eyes before he looked down towards his lap and answered. "No one important."

I squinted at him before responding. "Okay, well you told her that I'm not important." I said, which had him looking up at me. "So, which one is it? Am I not important or is she not important?"

He just stared at me. He wouldn't say anything. He had his jaw clenched and his mouth closed.

I sighed and faced forward. "I can't believe that I actually thought that I would get any answers out of you." I said quietly, but I knew that he still heard me. " I can't believe that I actually thought you liked me."

He looked like he was about to say something but I quickly turned my head towards him and cut him off. "I CAN'T BELIEVE I ACTUALLY FELL FOR YOU!" I yelled. His eyes widened in surprise and he was about to talk when I opened the door and got out of the car.

As soon as my feet touched the ground, I was off. I just ran, even when I heard him calling my name from behind.

I just ran.


I was now sitting on my bed...crying. Which I noticed that I've been doing a lot of lately. And I really try not to cry a lot.

But how can I not when I just found out that the guy that I've fallen for doesn't love me back. And that he's also seeing someone else. And that he's been using me this whole time.

So yeah, it's hard not to cry while I know all that.

I was in the middle of a really loud sob when something tap my window. I jumped slightly and stopped crying until I heard another tap on my window.

And me, being the dummy I am, walked towards the window and pulled it open. I looked out right before something hit my small and hard hit my forehead.

"Ow!" I shouted.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I heard a familiar voice exclaim. I looked down below my window to see a shadowy figure.

"Tony, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay..." He trailed off.

He was shy. It was...cute. "Oh..." I replied awkwardly. "I'm fine. But thanks for checking up on me."

He cleared his throat. "Y-Yeah...ummm...no problem."

I smiled down at him and even though I couldn't see him, I could tell that he was smiling back. "Okay, well I should go to-" I started but he cut me off.

"Wait!" He yelled up, frantically. "I just wanted to know what that...kiss was about earlier..." He trailed off again.

"Oh, well I was trying to make Jacob jealous...which I guess it worked since he got in a fight with you." I chuckled.

"Oh." He said, and he sounded really sad now.

"Why?" I asked. "Did the kiss mean something to you?" I asked him.

"No, it's not important." He said as he turned around and walked away.

"Wait! Tony!" I called after him but he just sped walked away. "Tony!" I yelled but he didn't answer and before I knew it, he was gone.

I sighed and closed my window. What was that all about? Could he like me?

If he did, I would feel so guilty. I mean, I kissed him just to make someone else jealous. I'm so inconsiderate of his feelings. Like, I didn't even ask if I could kiss him. I just did it.

I'm a terrible person.

Hopefully he doesn't like me. And hopefully I didn't ruin our friendship by kissing him.

I cleared my mind of all thoughts and laid down in bed. I closed my eyes and started to drift off to sleep when my phone suddenly rang.

Not even bothering to check the caller ID, I picked up the phone and answered it.

"Hello?" I asked, wondering who could be calling at this late hour.

I heard heavy breathing. "Tim..."

I recognized Jacob's voice immediately. "What do you want Jacob?" I asked, angrily.

"I need you..."

"Yeah, well I needed you but you-" I started ranting but he cut me off.

"No, I actually need you..." He trailed and I could now tell that he was crying.


"I've been shot...and I'm now bleeding out. I can't make it stop." He shouted out in pain before saying two words that had me on my feet and out the door.

"Help me."



Who do you think shot Jacob? And do you think he'll survive?

Tell me what you think down in the comments yo.




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