5. "i think i'm in love with you"

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After that little fiasco yesterday, Jacob finally let me go and I drove my car home. The whole time he kept me in his car though, he kept asking if I would be his boyfriend. I kept denying but that didn't stop him from asking.

And I'm not just saying no because he does drugs and stuff. Well, that is the main reason but it's not the only one. First off, he's rude. Second, he doesn't have any manners. Third, I haven't even known him two days. Those are the reasons why I won't date him.

I mean, he seems to be sweet to me. Plus, he's really attractive. Ok, that sounded conceded, but it's true. But I can't date him, we just met. Maybe if I get to know him a little better...

But let's face it, he's a bad boy and I'm a good boy. He skips school, I don't even skip lunch. He swears at teachers, I bow to teachers. He does drugs, I do grades. We are two totally different people.

After thinking about all this for a while I decided it was finally time to get out of bed and get ready for school. I got up and took a shower, got dressed, brush my teeth, my usual morning routine.

After I was done with all this, I went downstairs to see a note from my mom saying that she had to go to work early. So I just grabbed an apple and took a bite out as I headed for my front door. My keys were in a bowl next to the front door. I grabbed them, slung my bag over my shoulder and left the house.

As soon as I finished locking the door, I pulled my keys out of the lock and was about to head towards my car that was on the side of the road. But before I could, someone came up from behind and wrapped their arms around my waist. "BOO!" The person yelled and I just started freaking out. Oh god, I'm being kidnapped! This is the day I die!

I stopped moving though when I heard a familiar laugh. That's when it dawned on me what was going on. "Jacob!" I huffed his name out. "Put me down!" I demanded him but his grip didn't loosen. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

He smacked my butt and started walking. "You're cute, babe." He said to me while still chuckling.

"Don't call me that!" I yelled at him. Jeez, do I always have to tell him not to call me that?

He threw me into his car and I didn't try to fight this time. He got in his side and started the car up. He pulled out of my driveway and headed towards the school. I sat there quietly while he just tried to start a conversation. I wasn't going to answer him though.

He's making me frustrated. He just keeps showing up everywhere at random times. He doesn't seem to care about what I want. He's just so rude. Plus, he keeps manhandling me and kidnapping me. Well he doesn't keep me but it's still technically kidnapping.

"Please answer me." I heard him beg me.

I didn't respond though. I kept looking ahead at the road. I heard him let out a sigh.

We go to the school and as soon as the car stopped I got out. We were ten minutes late because he wasn't paying attention and took the wrong turn. He wasn't even watching the road, half of the time he was watching me.

I slammed the school doors open and went to the attendance office. I got a late slip and walked quickly towards my locker. I could hear footsteps behind me and without even turning around, I knew who it was.

I stopped and turned around. He was staring down at the ground while following. "What do you want?" I asked Jacob as he followed close behind me.

He stopped and looked at my face. "I don't know. I feel something weird in my chest when you look at me. And whenever you talk I feel like my stomach is going to explode, but I want it to."

I stared at him in confusion before backing up slowly. "Okay, well I-"

"I think I'm in love." He announced suddenly.

"Excuse me?" I asked him with wide eyes.

"With you. I think I'm in love with you." He said as he walked towards me and trapped me between the hallway wall and his body. "And I'm not going to give up until you're mine."

I gulped and stared at his lips as he licked them. His tongue ran across his bottom lip slowly. I looked back up to his eyes to see them staring into mine, deeply. His face started moving closer to mine. And for some reason, I wasn't stopping him. His lips lightly brushed mine.

Suddenly, the end of homeroom bell rang and I pushed him away. People started crowding the hallway and that's when I made a run for it. I made it to first period and ran inside.

I leaned against the door and took a deep breath. I'm safe...for now.


Four periods have passed and no sign of Jacob. But now it was lunchtime. Maybe I could just skip. But I don't want to skip alone. Okay, just look around for one of my four friends. Suddenly, two arms wrapped around my waist. I froze as his lips placed themselves next to my ear. "Trying to escape me, babe?" He asked quietly into my ear.

I tried to get out of his hold but he wouldn't budge. I tried everything: pulling, scratching, biting. At one point I even considered being seductive to make his hold loosen but I realized that I'd probably just make a fool of myself.

He lifted me up to where my feet weren't touching the ground, and started towards the cafeteria. Okay, either I'm really light or he's really strong, or both. Once we were in the lunchroom, he gently placed me in my seat.

I looked around the table to see Kaitlyn hiding behind Louie, still looking terrified of Jacob. Louie looked scared too, but I could tell he was trying to act tough for Kaitlyn. I looked over at Carter to see his face in his math book. Seated next to him was Jesse, who kept poking his arm and saying his name over and over. Next I looked at Chloe. She was giggling at something that Hunter just whispered in her ear. She turned to him and whispered something in his ear and he just smiled.

Suddenly I was pulled from my thoughts when a tray was set down in front of me. "I got you lunch." Jacob said as he sat down in his seat.

I looked at him with confusion. "You didn't have to buy me-" I started but he cut me off.

"I know." He said before placing a piece of my brown hair that was out of place behind my ear. "I wanted to, for my boyfriend." He smiled at me, and something happened inside me. My heart started fluttering and the air left my lungs. I felt at a loss of words, and it's all because of a smile. A smile!

Why? What's going on? I can't be falling for him, this is too early. So, why do I feel like we're the only people alive. The only people in this moment, in this room.

That thought left my head when someone shouted louldy. "WHAT???" We all drew our attention to Carter and Jesse. "Why do you keep poking me? What do you want?"

Jesse stared at Carter's face for a moment before smiling. "I just wanted you to look at me. You talking to me was a bonus."

Carter's face went blank and pale as Jesse stared straight into his eyes. It looked like Jesse was about to move his head forward to Carter's, but Carter quickly stood and grabbed his stuff. He ran out of the cafeteria without looking back. Jesse got up and ran out after him.

I faced forward again, as did everyone else. There was an awkward silence until Kaitlyn broke it with.

"Did you know that that old guy on the one dollar bill is George Washington? You learn something new everyday!"


Oh Kaitlyn, you crack me up! XD

I hope you liked the chapter.




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