9. "i'm sorry for almost hitting you"

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Why did I say all that to him?

I've been thinking over all the stuff I said yesterday and I feel horrible. I shouldn't have said any of it.

The look of hurt that was on his face is eating me up. I was just getting tired of him always thinking he can get what he wants. Like me.

But now that he's gone, I want him.

God, I'm so stupid. I'll just talk to him at school tomorrow.

Yeah, then everything will be better.


I pulled my car up to the school since I had to drive myself cause Jacob never showed, I don't blame him though. I parked my car and got out. Walking towards the school while trying to keep my hoodie covering the mark on my neck.

I walked inside the school and went to my locker, looking for Jacob along the way. I didn't see him while I was on my way. I reached my locker and put in my combination. I got my books for my first couple periods and put them in my bag. I shut my locker and headed towards where me and my friends usually hang out.

The library.

I reached the library and opened the doors. I went inside and towards the table where my friends usually sit. I got there and saw Kaitlyn, Chloe, Carter, Louie, Hunter, and Jesse. No Jacob.

"Have any of you seen Jacob?" I asked and they all looked up at me. I heard multiple answers of some form of the word "no".

I was about to walk away when I saw him enter the library. I gasped and ran towards him. I was almost to him when suddenly some girl came in and wrapped her arm around his.

I stopped and just stared. I could feel my eyes watering. I could also feel my and Jacob's friends eyes on me. Jacob looked up at me with a blank face. He didn't say or do anything, he just stared.

Suddenly I turned around and ran out passed the table my friends were at, and out the library's back doors. I ran out and into the hallway. The library was right in the middle of the school so all the doors ran into the hallway.

I ran down the hallway, hearing footsteps and people calling my name behind me, but I didn't stop.

I reached an empty room and ran inside. As soon as I got in, I shut the door and leaned against it. I slid down it until I was sitting on the floor. That's when I let the tears loose. They flowed down my face.

I don't even know why I'm crying. Me and Jacob were never a thing. I didn't want us to be a thing.

Did I?

I don't even know anymore. I just want to go back in time to where I never met Jacob. Where I never ran into him. Where I never fell...for him. I can't deny these feelings anymore. I have feelings for Jacob.

But it's too late. I've ruined all my chances of being with him. I've screwed up. I've ruined everything. He wanted a relationship with me and I kept denying him. And now, we'll never be a thing.

Eventually I heard the homeroom bell ring. I got up and wiped my tears off my face. I opened the door to the room and walked into the hall. There was no one in the hallway so I took that as my chance to leave the school.

I headed towards the schools doors and walked out of the building. As I headed towards my car I felt tears falling out of my eyes again.

I was crossing the street when I heard someone driving toward me. I looked over to see a blur truck driving right at me. I let out a scream and held my arms up to block myself. I was prepared to get him any second...but it never came.

I opened my eyes and saw that the truck stopped. The drivers side door opened and out came bright blonde hair followed by blue eyes, pink thin lips, and a sexy-cute nose. All on top of a super tan face. That's when I realized that the guy who almost hit me was none other than the sexy football captain, Alex Drewberry.

He shut his door and ran up to me. "Oh my God, are you okay? Did I hit you? Do you need to be taken to the hospital? Do you hurt anywhere?" He asked too quickly for me to answer while inspecting my figure for any scratches, bruises, or cuts. "I'm so sorry for almost hitting you. I really hope you-"

"I'm fine." I said, cutting him off.

He stopped freaking out and looked at my face. He stood up straight and that's when I realized how talk he was, he was at least a foot taller than me. But then again, I'm also short. I'm 5'6 so he's probably a little over 6 feet, he's around Jacobs height. They may even be the same height.

"I'm so sorry for almost hitting you." He said looking straight into my eyes.

I looked into his blue eyes and got stuck, they were so beautiful. They were the most beautiful blue I've ever seen. For a second, I got lost in them before I came back to reality and realized that Alex was smirking at me. I blushed a deep red and looked away.

"I-It's f-fine." I stuttered out.

He smiled at me and after a couple seconds he held out his hand. "I'm Alex." He said.

I looked at his huge hand for a seconds before holding my smaller one out and shaking his. "Timothy." I said, letting the warmth of his hand take over mine. "But most people call me Tim or Timmy." I quickly added.

"Well it's nice to meet you Tim or Timmy!" He said enthusiastically, causing me to giggle.

He looked back at his truck before turning back to me. "Do you need a ride?" He asked. "I'm leaving school and it looks like you're leaving too."

"As a matter of fact, I am." I said.

"Well, do you need a ride?" He asked.

I looked over at my car in the parking lot before looking back at him. "Yes." I replied. "I do need a ride."

He smiled at me before turning around and heading to truck with me heading to the passengers side. Once we were inside, he started it up and drove off. "So," He said after a little while, breaking the silence that was starting to grow between us. "why were you leaving school early?" He asked.

"Ummmm...I'm just...having a bad day." I said, which wasn't a lie. Today felt like the worst day of my life. "And you?" I asked. "Why were you leaving school?"

He didn't look at me as he spoke. "I didn't feel like going today and I got dumped." He said with no trace of emotion behind it.

I looked at him in shock, who would dump Alex Drewberry? Whoever they are, they must be fucking crazy! "I'm so sorry." I said.

He shook his head. "I don't care. He was a slut anyway. He fucked around with everyone and I knew about it. So, I was actually kind of relieved when he broke up with me today." My mouth dropped open at what he said.


"He?" I said out loud what I also thought in my head. "You're gay?" I asked, surprised.

"Bisexual." He corrected me.

"Oh." I said and looked at the road ahead of me.

"And I think you're cute."



So, are you on Team Alex or Team Jacob?? And not Twilight Jacob, Addiction Jacob! And what should the ship names be???

Please leave a comment on who you like more so far. And what the ship names should be.




P.S. thanks for getting the book to 2k reads!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!

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