Chapter Thirty-Three - Lingerie

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Dean (POV) 

I rush to the car as fast as i can when the school bell rings around the classroom. I stand around, tapping my foot impatiently while i wait for Cas to come out of his own lesson so i try to look at every single face in the passing crowd of students who were all piling out of the building. 

I see the floppy haired Sam bouncing up to me with Gabriel and Balthazar at his heels looking like they were plotting something. Yet, they always looked like they were plotting something so nothing new there.

"What do you guys want?" I asked, looking at them seriously before looking around impatiently. 

"A ride home." Gabriel shrugs and i grit my teeth but bite my tongue.

"Fine. Get in the back." I tell them and they all hop in the back while i stand around waiting for Cas. He was being a little tease by coming out of school late, i knew exactly what he was doing and i didn't like it. So impatient. Well you would be too if you had to wait for your boyfriend to show up so you could strip him. We have the same boyfriend, Dean... Shut up. He'll be here soon, chillax. What are you, eight? I'm your brain, you tell me. 

"What are we waiting for!" Sam shouted out of the car window and i turn to look at him like he was an idiot. 

"Cas, obviously. Like i do everyday." I snort and he raises an eyebrow.

"You know he's not coming home till later right?" He asks and my scoff drops from my face and i look at him blankly.

"What? What do you mean?" I ask and he rolls his eyes. 

"Well i thought he would have told you. He's staying after school to do something." He tells me i shake my head and look back at the school.

"Oh you sneaky son of a bitch." I mumble under my breath. "You're doing this on purpose."

"What?" Sam shouts and i turn back to look at him. 

"Nevermind. Lets just go." I say, kicking a rock on the way back to the car and opening the front door to slide into the drivers seat. As i start driving off towards the front gates, i catch a glimpse of a blue mohawk and i honk the horn. He turns to look at me a grins before giving me a mocking wave and strutting back into school. I hate him. Yeah, me too. He is gonna get spanked so hard- Alright, keep it in your pants.

You're literally telling yourself to keep it in your pants... Yeah well, i need to remind myself to do that sometimes, especially when i'm with him. Preach it girlfriend. What even are you? You're gay thoughts. EL OH EL!! Also my nerdy thoughts as well apparently. They come under the same category. 

"Dean, you've ran like 3 stop signs. You need to watch what you're doing cause if the police see these two anytime soon, things won't be pretty." Sam says, glancing at his two best friends who were casually whistling.

"Why, what the hell did they do?" I ask, shaking my head and keeping my mind on the road rather than Cas in those-

"I don't think you need to know that Winchester, just keep going and ask no questions. We are paying you to drive, not to talk." Balthazar says in a cool voice, blowing on some bubblegum and making it pop. 

"Okay, first you're not paying me so i'm going to ask as many questions as i want. The day you start paying me is the day i won't say a word. Second, if you two are putting my little brother in any sort of trouble or danger i swear to god..."

"What would you do? Send us too a world where vampires and werewolves exist." Snorts Balthazar.

"If they're vampires and werewolves then we would definitely be demons."

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