Chapter Thirty-Six - Graduation

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Dean (POV) *2 weeks later* 


"But mom!"

"All of you, so grounded." Anna says in a monotoned voice, looking around at the perfectly spotless house. 

"Why are we grounded? We never did anything wrong!" Lucifer complains and she looks at him blankly, staring right past his pack of lies which makes him look down at his hands in shame. 

"This house is more clean than i had left it two weeks ago which makes me think what in the world made you clean the whole thing. Then it hit me, you had a party and realised that the house was a trash so you went out, bought a new dining table and chairs which, even though it does look a lot like our old one is definitely not the same and cleaned the whole house more than you would have done if you didn't have a party."

"That's a lot of information to get just from one dining table." Cas mumbles under his breath and she looks at him angrily. 

"Gabriel and Balthazar spent a night in jail and you had to dig into the family account just to bail them out. Lucifer was fired from his job because he was late to every shift for two weeks running. Uriel and Rapheal got excluded from school because you showed them how to make a stink bomb and Zandriel had to hire a therapist because she thought she was responsible for it all. Not to mention Leliel beating up a ten year old boy because you told her too."

"In my defense, that boy was a little shit and deserved what was coming to him." Cas says defensively, leaning against the back of the sofa while his mother stood in the doorway, her bags at her feet. Her, Michael and Chuck had only just come back from Rome and already their hair was starting to fall out again. 

"That poor boy had a mental illness!" 

"ADHD is an excuse for young people to be ignorant little bastards." Cas says and she glares at him.

"No it isn't and you need to be educated!"

"Well, nothing happened to me so aren't you happy about that!" Cas smiles innocently and she raises an eyebrow at him.

"Oh, nothing happened to you did it? So you think you are completely blameless in this whole thing?"

"Yes i do and i will stand by that." 

"Castiel, what was one of the rules before i left the house?" She says, a small smirk playing on her lips.

"Well there were quite a lot so i'm not going to name them all." He scoffs. "Besides, i never broke a single one of those rules."

"Oh really?" She asks, her smirk widenening which made him squint suspiciously. 

"Yes, really. I was never late, i went to church, i didn't organise any parties, i went to bed on time every night, i never swore in front of the kids, i never did experiments or pranks-" Cas went on and on, ticking off almost everything on his mothers list which he did not do.

"You're missing one." She says, her voice filled with malvolent humour. 

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh, there was one rule in paticular that i knew you would break." She says, walking towards her son, her heels clicking against the wooden flooring. 

"Oh yeah, what's that then?" He asks in a curious voice and she bent down towards him, making sure they were face to face, her mouth was curled up into a smirk and her eyes were glinting with mischief. 

"No sex." She says and Castiel's smug smile dropped.


"You're all grounded." 

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