Chapter Fifteen - Gotcha

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Damn it. Damn damn damn! That wasn't meant to happen, he was meant to kiss back and fall into my arms and we could live happily ever after. I wasn't even that drunk! I mean, sure I was a bit tipsy so it gave me a bit more confidence along this line but I meant every word... or every kiss in this case. 

The truth was that I had actually fallen in love with him as well. It took me a while to realise it, the first time we fell out I realised that I didn't want to be apart from him. I was just too afraid to tell him because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. Every time we fell out over this I had always expected that we would become friends again but this had been the longest time we had ever been apart from each other and it was actually killing me inside. I couldn't not have him anymore; screw our friendship if this is what is going to become of it anyway. I wanted him, badly. But I just had to go a screw it all up by drinking the tiniest little bit of alcohol. What even is life? I looked back at the doors where the party was still raging on inside and suddenly I wasn’t really in a very party mood. I knew what I needed to do, I needed to let Dean have a night to cool off and then I would speak to him tomorrow at school. Yep, that was as good idea as any.

I started walking home in the dark slowly, still wearing my mask. It didn’t really matter because there were kids all over the street wearing masks and costumes for Halloween so to be perfectly honest I fit in quite well… well apart from the fact that I was around 15 years older than half the kids out here but still… I finally got home and shut the door, walking into the living room sadly and my whole family looked up at me, smirking slightly.

“Oh look, it’s Westley from Princess Bride.” Gabriel says.

“I’m pretty sure he’s meant to be Zorro.” Balthazar scoffed.

“Nah, I bet he’s batman.” Lucifer piped in and Zandriel slaps him across his head.

“Don’t be stupid, he’s obviously one of the three musketeers. Idiots.” I sigh and ignore their supposed humour by walking through the living room and out the door towards the staircase in which I slowly trudged up sadly. I heard someone follow me so when I walked in my room I left the door open for them to come in.

“You okay Cas?” Zandriel asked as I chuck off my mask and face-palm the bed. I nod my head into my pillow and I feel the weight going down as she sits on the side of my bed. “Tell the truth.” I sigh and turn onto my back so I can look at her and she has her eyebrows raised expectantly, waiting for me to tell her what was wrong with me.

“One of my friends is…. Erm, upset.” I say to her, hiding a blush.

“O-kay, why is he… or she upset?” She asks me.

“Well… she likes her best friend and her best friend likes her back but she is too afraid to do anything about it when she’s sober. She has to be drunk to even try anything and her best friend gets really hurt by that because he just wants to be with m-her, but she doesn’t have the balls to say it to his face that she wants to be with him as well.” I explain in the best way I can but I can tell by Zandriel’s face that she knows exactly who and what I am talking about.

“Well, maybe your friend just needs to tell her best friend the truth. To stop hiding her true feelings because of what she thinks it will do to their friendship. She needs to stop worrying about that and act on her feelings before it is too later and her best friend gets someone else.” I look at her with watery eyes and she smiles before putting a hand on my shoulder. “Tell him you like him Cas, don’t let him slip through your fingers when you still have chance to be with him. Dean’s a good guy, but he’s not patient and he won’t wait around forever for you to finally make up your mind. Besides, if it doesn’t work out then you can always try and become friends again right? You work hard enough at something and it does finally pay off Cas. Just try with Dean, I hate to see you so down because you’re not with him every day like you normally are just because of your stubborn personality.”

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