Chapter Two - Blue dye and fallings out

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Cas (POV)

"Dean, dye my hair!" I whine loudly and he grimaces at me.

"Why would you want to dye your hair?!" He asks me incredulously and I grin and him and wink.

"I want it blue at the tips, too match my eyes." I flutter my eye lashes and he rolls he eyes, snorting loudly.

"So you now have four piecing's, one tattoo and you want me to dye your hair blue? We've only been at school for a month Castiel! This is crazy!" I shake my head and he shrugs his shoulders and crosses his legs on the bed.



"PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!" I repeat over and over again just to annoy him and he grunts and slides off the bed and goes towards the hair dye that I had bought after school with Meg, Ruby and Allen who was the main punk of the group. He picks it up and looks at the back of the box with a raised eyebrow and peers at me over it.


"Yes!" I smile happily and he shakes his head.

"Alright fine. But I'm only doing this for you once." I give him a stern look and he sits there shuffling happily on his bed, looking like an overgrown puppy. I sigh and open the box, checking the instructions as I go. I pour the formulas into the right bottle and start shaking it badly while Castiel is running around, trying to find a towel that shouldn't get stained too badly. This wasn't going to end well.

"Sit." I say after he finally finds a towel and I place on the gloves. He plops himself down on his study chair and brings his knee's up to his chest, wiggling nervously. "Now, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes!" He says firmly, nodding and taking in a deep breath. I shrug and begin to carefully dye the tips of his spiky dark hair blue, pulling on it with my fingers. For some ungodly reason I have an urge to run my hands through his hair but I know he will just get annoyed if I do this so I just do as I'm told until every tip is covered in the strong smelling stuff.

"Alright, it's done. Now Cas, listen to me. You leave it on for half an-"

"I want to see what it looks like now!" He starts jumping off his chair but I push him back down and point a finger at him.

"Castiel Jimmy Novak you listen to me! Half an hour, that is all you gotta wait until you can wash it off and see what it looks like."

"But what am I meant to do for half an hour?!" He moans, folding his arms over his chest tightly.

"We could play a video game." I shrug and turn to his PS2 that is sat on his shelf next to the TV. "Or watch half an hour of a film."

"Ergh fine."

2 hours later

"DUDE, MY HAIR!" Cas screams, jumping up after the film finishes and he suddenly remembers that he forgot to wash it out. I start laughing loudly, clutching my stomach and falling back onto the bed with a thump. "THIS IS NOT FUNNY, WHAT IF IT HAS TURNED GREEN!?"

He runs out of the room quickly and towards the bathroom. I can hear him turn on the shower head and help when he puts his head too quickly in the cold running water as it hadn't heated up yet. I laugh even louder so he can hear me and wipe a stray tear from my eye before calming down and walking into the bathroom. His head was still stuck under the water and blue ran out into the bathtub. He is rubbing some conditioner into his hair with one hand and holding the shower head with the other, making a really difficult job of it. I sigh, shake my head and take the shower head off of him, holding it above him to make sure it goes on his hair.

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