Chapter Twenty-Two - Sun, Sex and ... more sex

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Cas (POV)

Me and Dean fell to sleep as soon as we got in the car. Sure we were excited but it was way too early in the morning for this crap. All the packing of the car and the talking about sex toys kind of tired us out so Dean was leaning against me as i leaned against the window with my arms wrapped around him. I hear Mom in the front seat clicking her phone camera but i didn't really care. Normally i would have kicked off about having my photo taken but i was too tired and excited for the trip to even care. Slowly, very slowly i drifted off to sleep.


"RISE AND SHINE SLEEPY HEAD!" I heard Dean holler and my eyes flickered open. "WE'RE HERE!" Suddenly i was wide awake and jumped out of the car as soon as it stopped in the driveway of the beach house. Michael, who was driving Dean's Impala stopped on the pavement outside and jumped out also, handing Dean the keys.

"Better not have scratched my baby." Dean muttered under his breath and i laughed loudly while Michael rolled his eyes. 

"It's a car Dean." Dean gasped loudly and shot evils at my older brother as Mom and Dad began taking in all of our stuff. I noticed my mom grabbing hold of the black bag that me and Dean were talking about only a few hours earlier and i nudged Dean and pointed towards it.

"That is so wrong." I mutter and Dean laughs loudly.

"God, can you imagine if she opened it?"

"I don't even want to think about that."

A little while later, we were waving goodbye to Mom, Dad and Michael and suddenly we were all alone. We stood in the drive-way in silence, both of us wanting to make the first move but both of us also wanting each other to make the first move. Dean turned to me and sighed, smiling slightly. 

"Should we go in?" He asks and i nod my head eagely, walking into the beautiful beach house. Me and Dean had been here before with our families on a summer holiday but this was the first ever time we were here alone, and like together-together. Dean jumped onto the couch and streched out on it, sighing as he did so and shutting his eyes.

"Peace and quiet at last." He says and i nod in agreement, even though he couldn't see me. I walk into the kitchen and check the fridge to see that Mom and Dad had stocked it up to last us the week. How nice of them. The house was only a bungalow so i walked hall and walked into one of the bedrooms, seeing which one would be the best for me and Dean. I of course chose the biggest and best with the most comfortable bed and i knew that if i stayed in here long enough, Dean would come looking for me. I slide of my plain black t-shirt and hop on the bed, leaning back against the headboard.

Soon enough i hear Dean's footsteps coming down the hall, checking the rooms as he was looking for me. The door opened slowly and Dean stood in the doorway, looking up and down my body before smiling.

"Hey you." He says quietly and i smile back fully, squinting my eyes and baring my teeth.


"I've been looking for you." He says, shutting the door behind him as he walks into the room, stepping towards the bed and sitting on it, his feet hanging over the side.

"I heard." I laughed, smirking slightly and he leans down to kiss me. I deepen the kiss as soon as our lips touch, sliding my tongue into his mouth greedily and accidently making our teeth chatter against each others. He moans quietly into the kiss and leans his head down more so my head is leaning back against the pillows as he towers over me. All that is to be heard is our heavy breathing and the wet, sloppy noises coming from our mouths. 

He runs his hands over my waist, abdomen and bare chest, circling his thumbs against my skin as he moves his position to kneel up on the bed beside me, bending over me to kiss me passionately. 

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