Chapter Fifty-Seven - The Beehive

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Cas (POV) *a year later*

"Honey, I'm home!" I hear Dean call jokingly while I'm in the study downstairs. It wasn't even a study anymore, it was a paint room for me. I had decided what I wanted to be now, an art teacher at an elementary school.

I was already currently doing work experience at a school and learning how to deal with children. I didn't think it would take long before I became a full time teacher. I had already finished the courses and was in university just to get a degree on child care and teaching.

Dean walks into the study as I am stuck in the zone, paint all over my face, hands and clothes. All I was wearing was a pair of baby blue dungarees without any clothes on underneath so my tanned skin, from painting outside a lot, peeked trough the spaces which the dungs didn't cover up. Dean walked over to me and put his hands on my bare waist, looking over my shoulder at the painting.

"I gotta admit, you're getting better." Dean murmured into my ear and I let out half a smile before sighing.

"It's shit. I hate it." I say, throwing down as the paints and crossing my arms, looking at the painting.

"Maybe you need inspiration."

"It's not dark out Dean, you know I get inspiration from the stars." I pout and he turns me around to look at him.

"the stars huh? Oh yeah, I remember. When we want back to the small lake in the woods and after we... You know, we looked up at the stars and you just got up so suddenly and started painting with the equipment we brought." He laughs and I smile lightly

"But you know..." He leans into me, pulling me closer towards me and loads my ear and jaw lightly. "Maybe it wasn't the stars that inspired you."

I laugh and lean my body into his, putting my arms around his neck as he holds onto my waist, smiling down at me.

"Oh really Winchester? You think it was you that inspired me?" I scoff jokingly and he sticks out his tongue at me, showing me the piercing that was still in there which we had had a lot of fun with over the past year.

"Well, maybe I gave you some inspiration" he pouted and I kiss his lips slightly which turns his mouth into a crooked smile.

"How was work?" I asked. Dean still owned the pub but he didn't work there anymore. Instead he had got a job in a high end business corporation, promoted in a matter of 5 months and now had his own office.

"Boring. But I get a shit ton of money out of it so I can't really complain." He shrugs and nod my head and shrug with him.

"Do something you love, dean. You know we have loads of money from the Seraphims." I say, turning back around to pick up my paints again.

"That money won't be around forever Cas. And I wanna live in a nice big house in the suburbs with a dog while Sam and Gabe grow old in the garage together." I laugh at his comment and shake my head.

"You know they're not together Dean. Gabriel has a girlfriend now!"

"THATS AN ABOMINATION!" He shouts right in my ear which makes me jump and splatter paint all over myself. I sigh and grab a rag from the table, wiping myself down.

"Not everyone ends up together Dean. Sam was always more likely to to off with Balthazar than Gabriel."


"Well it's true, those two have more in common then Gabe and sam do. But anyway, doesn't your brother have a girlfriend now?"

"No, he broke up with her because she cheated on him." He says, yawning and stretching, clicking his back. I wince, I wince at the word. Cheating. It still sent shivers down my spine, it still made my lip tremble and my stomach clench. I don't think I whole ever forgive myself, it never got easier.

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