Chapter Three - Date Night

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Dean (POV)
I wasn't doing this, no way... I can't. This was so wrong in so many ways. Just do it. Shut up brain, what are you? Nike? I can't do it, he's my best friend. He doesn't have to know. But what would he do if he found out?

I'm sat on my bed, banging my head on the headboard with a pillow over my lap. This morning I had accidently walked in on Cas having a shower and saw absolutely everything. It wasn't as if I hadn't seen him naked before but this time was different. He had had water dripping on his face and soap had covered his body. I couldn't get the image out of my head all day and had had a semi-hard on all day as well so had tried to get home early to get rid of it. However the only thing that could let me get rid of it was if I thought of Castiel in the shower again and I refused to wánk myself off to this thought.

Just do it Dean, c'mon stop being such a wuss. I'm not being a wuss, he's my best friend and I refuse to touch myself over my best friend whom I had known for over ten years. My díck twitched uncomfortably and I groaned and banged my head against the head board once again. Sam suddenly burst into my room and looked at me angrily giving me his bitch face 101.

"Do you mind? I don't care if you're jácking off or not but I'm trying to study."

"How do you even know what jácking off is?" I retort back and he snickers at me as if he just proved his point.

"I'm eleven, not stupid."

"When I was eleven I didn't know what it was, and I also respected my elders!" I threw my pillow at him and realised that my díck was now uncovered and was straining against my jeans.

"Ew!" Sam cried before running out the room. I laughed after him and looked down at my érection, giving it evils.

"Why are you even here? I don't want you." I say to it like it's a person and shake my head. I must be going crazy. Yeah, Crazy for Cas. My brain snickered and I banged it against my headboard once again. Stupid brain. Stupid Dean.

***a month later***

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Castiel, happy birthday to you." I, Sam, Dad and all of his family sang as he sat blushing and staring anywhere but at me who was snickering at him.

"Hip hip!" I cry just to embarrass him further and he glares at me.

"HOORAY!" Everyone else cried and I smirked at him broadly and he pouted and blew out his candles after shutting his eyes tightly and making a wish.

"Happy 16th birthday Bee, what did you wish for?" Anna asked him and he smiled happily.

"I wished for world domination." He replied and Lucifer laughed and muttered; 'yeah, same here.'

The rest of the day was such a laugh. We all went ice-skating even though it was in the middle of the summer holidays and then we went to a proper tattoo parlour which Anna knew the owner of to get him a proper tattoo. Meg said she couldn't do the wings on his back so Anna had decided to pay for them especially for him on his 16th birthday. He was in there for hours and eventually everyone got bored and started wandering around town but I stuck by him, letting him squeeze my hand if it got too painful for him.

"You two are pretty cute together." The woman tattooist said, smiling brightly at us after she had finished and was wiping the blood of his back.

"We're not together." Cas laughed casually. We got it all the time so we were pretty used to having people think we were a couple.

"Really? But you act so much like you're in love." The tattooist replied and Cas laughs again before hissing at the pain. He puts his head down and groans loudly while the tattooist looks at my frowning face with a raised eyebrow. I look at her questionably and she winks at me before carrying on with the conversation. "How long have you two known each other then?"

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