Chapter Ten - Cheerleader

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Dean (POV)

I drove me and Castiel towards Harvelles Road House and parked the car smoothly. We were just talking about lunch time today and having a laugh, not awkward at all. Just wait. Oh shut up Mr Brain. I undid my seat belt and stepped out of the car with Cas following closely behind. We walked into the roadhouse and ordered fries, pie and milkshake for our table before sitting down and waiting for our food to be delivered. I tap on the wood of the table with my fork, looking at it with faint interest as we wait and both go quiet.

"Dean..." I look up at Cas who is also staring at my fork tapping so i stop and he looks up at me.


"I heard you broke up with Lisa." He says sadly, looking at me carefully and i just smile and chuckle slightly. He squints his eyes in confusion at my humour and i just shake my head.

"Yeah we broke up." I say. grinning slightly.

"But you've been together for so long!"

"On and off." I deliver, balancing the spoon for my pie on my nose. "Besides she says that she finds me handsome but..." I trail off and take the spoon of my nose, looking into his eyes and biting my lip.

"But..." Cas says, dragging the word out in anticipation.

"But nothing, these things happen Cas." I smile as Jo puts the food down on our table.

"Heya Cas, Hey Dean." She says, waving at us both and we both grin broadly.

"Hey beautiful" Cas winks and she just scoffs and rolls her eyes playfully. 

"Why can't you be more like Dean, Cas. He's polite! Take a leaf out of his book."

"Nah." Cas laughs as she shakes her head making her blonde curls bounce slightly and walks away chuckling slightly. I raise an eyebrow at Cas who is watching after her, grinning like crazy before he turns back to me. "What?"

"Nothing." I say quickly, smiling slightly. His own smile falters and he coughs awkwardly while i just look at him in confusion.

"So... maybe we should talk about...." He looks up at me expectantly and i gulp and nod my head slowly, my smile disappearing from my face. I nod my head and wait for him to continue but awkwardly he doesn't so we are both just sat there in dead silence, staring at anything but each other. I took a long sip out of my milshake and popped a french-fry in my mouth before starting on the pie to do something rather than sit there awkwardly, waiting for Cas to start speaking. He sighs and looks at me moodily.

"What?" I ask with my mouth full of pie.

"I said we should talk about it!"

"Well i don't know what to say Cas! I'm sorry that we got so drunk that we ended up fuckíng inside a tent that had all my friends inside." I say loudly and he hushes me, looking around embarrassed. "Look, it was a mistake that people make sometimes okay? Let’s just be thankful that it didn't happen sooner."

"And what about your crush on me?" He asks and i freeze for a moment. Shit, i forgot we told him that. Me too. What do we say Dean? I have absolutely no idea. I look up at him and gulp down the pie before licking my lips.

"Erm..." I say, blushing slightly but not noticeably and rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly. “I-I erm, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I lie but mentally hit myself. Ow, don’t hit me. Oh god, I’m going crazy.

“Dean, you’re the one that told me.” Cas accuses, crossing his arms over his chest and squinting at me. I groan and rub my face with my hands, not knowing what to do.

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