Chapter Fifty-Six - Welcome Home

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Dean (POV)

They caught us. And I wasn't aloud back to the rehab centre so they really did stop me from seeing him. It was driving me crazy. I kept telling myself something about a little time apart but we had just spent a year and a half apart already and I think that was long enough.

Id never had such a slow going month in my entire life until that month wen I had to wait for Castiel to finish his rehabilitation course. He could have just left but he refused, saying that he needed that other month to really sort himself out.

I was proud of him. So damn proud that he hadn't even relapsed once during the time he was there. He had dyed the tips of his hair bright pink as if he was turning back into his old self and pierced through his nose again which had heeled up in the months that he had taken it out.

The day was Tuesday the 1st of December and Castiel was coming out if rehab. Everyone was at the Novak household while Anna went to get him and I couldn't keep still at all. I had decided to surprise Cas with a piercing of my own, probably the only one he hadn't ever had done, even though I ha begged him too many times in the past.

"Dean, seriously sit still! It's like you have an ants nest in your ass." Sam snickered and I kicked him with my foot.

"Shut up, I'm more excited than Balthazar who finds out he still has whiskey in his flask."

"Hey!" Balthazar shouts and everyone looks at him. "That was one time I got excited over that because I thought I had run out."

We all laugh at him slightly and I carry on pacing the living room and twirling my fingers impatiently.

"I mean, how long does it take to get him." I complain after a moment, plumping back down on the sofa next to my brother.

"He has to sign out and I can only presume that he would want to say goodbye to everyone who he made friends with in there." Chuck says, playing on his phone without a care in the world. It seemed like no one was as excited as I was about that specific day. Probably because they had all got to see him over the last month and I couldn't because I wasn't aloud back. Damn patriarchy. Fuck the system!

I get so restless that I couldn't even wait in the living room anymore. I go upstairs and into Castiel's room which hadn't changed from when we had first started going out. It was tidier but that was most likely the only difference in the room. Papers and homework from when we were at school still sat on his desk from when Cas didn't hand it in

Posters still littered the walls of all types of bands. The docking station still had his old iPod in it and if I crouched down to look under the bed, there was the black bag that me and Cas had taken to Florida with us. I laugh and shake my head as I get back up again and sit on his bed. There was nothing I wouldn't do to get to go back to when we were 18 years old and finishing off school together. I wondered what things we would do differently and what things would we keep the same.

I hear a car pull up outside and quickly rush to the window to see Anna get out the car. I look to the passengers side and see Cas also exiting the car and looking around with a nostalgic look on his face. His eyes linger on my house for a bit longer than anyone else's in the street and I smile broadly.

He enters the house and goes into the living room while I slowly walk down the stairs.

"where's Dean?" I hear him ask


"Where is he?" He asks again ignoring Gabriel's little outburst. I turn the corner and stand in the doorway of the living room, looking at the back of his head. When Castiel notices everyone look behind him he quickly turns around to see me grinning at him.

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