Chapter Forty-Three - Festival

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A/N:Sorry but there is gonna be a big jump into the future because the story needs to move on now so...

*8 months later*

Cas (POV)

We all gather around mom's hospital bed and coo at the little baby in her arms. Dean has come up from college to mark the special occasion and he said he was going to be up here for around a week. To be honest i was more excited for that then i way for anything else.

The Seraphims had been getting a load more gigs lately and sometimes we were even get paid for it! We had even got a call from an events manager from a festival somewhere down the country so we will be playing in front of thousands of people for the first time ever in around a month. It was scary and exciting at the same time and i just hoped that everything was going to be okay.

We had actually written a few of our own songs for it and when we practiced the songs they turned out alright, very punk-rock. I wouldn't let Dean listen to any of them though because i told him he had to wait for the festival to hear them live. Although i think he had snucken into my room a few times to look at the lyrics.

"Go on then Lou, what you going to call her?" Dad said, patting my older brother on his back and nudging him. Lucifer went over to the little girl and held her in his arms, smiling down.

"I don't know."

"Well think of something, we haven't got all day." I mumble impatiently, leaning into Dean who was stood behind me and had his hands wrapped around my waist, his cheek pressed against mine as we looked at the dark haired little girl.

"Well, there has been a name stuck in my mind for a while now..." He says, biting his lip and cradling the baby in his arms.

"What is it?" Mom asked, "Not something stupid i hope."

"No.... it's a beautiful name.."

"Well go on then, tell us it!" Dad exclaims and we all look at him expectantly.

"Valentina." Lucifer mutters out and me and Dean look at each other and smile.

"Valentina huh? What a beautiful name." Dean smiles and kisses me nose while mom nods her head in agreement.



*Another month later*

"Okay, just breathe. You're going to do fine." I say to Balthazar who was down right almost having a panic attack when he looked out into the audience and saw thousands upon thousands of people chattering away.

"You on in five minutes boys!" The events manager called to us and Balthazar put his head in his hands.

"Relax Balth, it will be okay, i promise. I'm right their with you!" Gabriel reassured, patting his twin brother on his back however Gabriel looked just as pale as he did. I take a glance at Lucifer who was just eating some Monster Munches and he shrugged back at me and smiled.

"It's alright for you to say, i'm on the drums! I have to keep up the beat!"

"I have to sing the whole song." I say blankly and he looks up at me and grins.

"Oh yeah, at least i'm not you." He snickers along with Gabriel and i roll my eyes at the two.

"Thanks for the words of confidence."

"You're the face of the band, Cas. You gotta be perfect." Teased Lucifer and i shot all my brothers a glare before turning my back on them and cracking my neck to get ready. I look through the side of the curtains and try and look for Dean but i obviously couldn't find him seen as there was so many people in arena.

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