Chapter four - Expelled

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Cas (POV)

"Why do you keep flirting with other people?" I snap at ruby and she scoffs at me before walking off. "Oi, I was talking to you!"

"Yeah, well- I don't care. I wasn't flirting Cas, stop being so jealous." She turned back to me and puts her hands on her hips.

"I'm only jealous if you give me a reason to be, letting another guy put his arms around your waist is exactly one of those reasons."

"Grow up."

"Make me." I stomp off out of the party, pushing past my friends who all looked at me questionably. "Don't even ask."

I walked out of the house and down the street, stopping at the end of it and texting Dean.

C: hey can you come pick me up?

He had a car now due to passing his driving test and getting one of the broken down cars from his uncle Bobby's garage that he worked at. He had built it up and boy did he do a good job of it. It was clean, black and beautiful. Leather seating with a soft leather steering wheel, long bonnet and boot which made it look so classic. The 1967 Chevrolet impala was now Deans pride and joy and I didn't blame him. I loved it just as much as him and he even let me drive it sometimes.

D: sure man, where bouts are you?

C: 14 maple road. Was at a house party, didn't end well. I didn't want to txt Zee to pick me up because she will probably go on any how ruby is a dick and I can't deal with that right now.

D: ruby is a dick

C: Dean, shut up.

D: haha, alright coming now bee.

It took Dean about 10 minutes to find me and by the time he got here I was shivering against the cold autumn wind that was whipping around my shoulders and legs. He pulled up to the side of the road near the corner I was stood on and when I tried to open the door it was locked so I knocked on the window. He winded it down and smirked at me.

"Doors locked." I say and his grin broadens. "Open it."

"How much?"


"How much for a quickie?" He asks, the grin not leaving his face.

"Are you implying that I'm a prostitute?" I say to him bluntly, my eyebrows raised slightly. He laughed loudly and nodded his head like an insulant child before leaning over and unlocking the door for me. I slide in easily and do up my seatbelt before looking at him.

"200 dollars for a quickie." I say to him and he bursts out laughing before starting the ignition and driving off.


We get back to our houses soon enough and he parks outside his because there was no point parking outside mine and then just rolling on a couple more yards to get to his. We get out of the car and i sigh and scuff my shoe on the pavement.

"Wanna stay at mine and tell me what happened?" He asks me seriously and i nod glumly back at him before following him into his house. I didn't need to go home for pj's or a toothbrush because i had another set of all my necessities at Dean's house. I basically lived there half my life and he lived at mine half of his. We walk up to his room slowly and collapse on his bed, I’m still drunk from the alcohol that I drank at the party but the buzz his fading fast after the argument with Ruby. “Go on then.”

“She let this stupid jock feel her up and she knew I was looking and she just put a huge smirk on her face like she was trying to make me jealous so I shouted at her in front of all our friends and she shouted at me and then we walked off a bit to get a bit more privacy but it just ended with me walking off and then calling you.” I say all in one breath as tears start pouring down my face. I expected Dean to go off on some sort of tangent about Ruby but instead he just keeps quiet, slips his hand in mine and brings my head down to rest on his shoulder. He doesn’t say a single word, but is just there for me like I wanted him to be. After a while, he finally speaks up;

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